Help From You Guys 👍😁

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Hey my lovelyz... she here's the thing... I know its been kinda slow updates... Promise me I know... 🤦🤦🤦😧😧😧 it sucks but I'm slowly starting to go into writers block! So I've been reading and starting to get new ideas! Great right... but sadly wrong cause I know how to end it but I don't know where specifically where to put it. So here's the catch... I'm going to type some options and I want you guys to comment which one you guys would wantin the story. Which ever gets the most comments will win and be in the story!! Okay here we go!!

1. When Jacqueline and Jocelyn get to New York they stumble upon one of the Jackson boys. Later that night the same boy notice the girls are gone. He looks around their bedroom in hope to find a poster to street racing. Worried for the girls he drives there to find the girls have won the match.

Great right? Okay now option 2

2. Once the girls had landed in New York, her new roommates are there to get them. Once they arrived at the car the oldest Matthew Jackson (played by Zac Efron), kept lookingat his watch. Suspicious of his actions the twins were about to comment when they notice the boys are having a conversation with their eyes. The twins glanced at each other then back at the boys. The second oldest, Alexander Jackson (played by Nico Tortorella) nodded ever so slightly. Hoping the twins didn't see. They wouldn't if they weren't paying attention to them. Later that night they heard rustling downstairs. Curious, they got up slowly to realize the older brothers were in the kitchen eating... but the were dressed in regular clothing... not pajamas.

And now option 3!!!!!

3. You guys can come up with the idea. Type it in the comment section that goes here. Just highlight IDEA for me so I know. And type however much of your idea and then message me that you wrote an idea.

Okay my lovelyz!!! I know its not a chapter but one of your choices or your own idea will be in the story along with a shoutout, a follow, and maybe even be in the story as a character... *wink wink* *nudge nudge* if you get my drift lol get it cause its a street racing story... and they drift... get it? Ya? No okay I'll shut up now and let you my lovelyz comment you vote and maybe even write your own!!! Alright my lovelyz see you soon bye!!!

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