chapter three

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"Ladies and gentlemen, I now present to you, Her Royal Highness, Princess Faye Blair Amor of Nayilam."

As Faye appeared to her subjects, friends, and acquaintances alike, everyone stood and clapped for her. She scanned the room for her friends' faces. She spotted a few of them, her closest friends, in a clump at a corner table. She waved gently.

When introductions were finished, her best friend was the first one to tackle her in a bear hug. Faye wrapped her arms around the other princess. Faye's best friend pulled back and screamed, "Happy birthday!"

Faye had been friends with Princess Isabella of Perulima, or Izzy, as Faye and everyone close to her called her, since diapers. The eighth and youngest daughter of the King and Queen of Lima, Izzy was in no rush to fulfill any royal duties. She was a party girl, and knew which bashes were royally acceptable. She was confident and fun, and as usual, she was wearing hazy, sultry eye makeup, blinding highlighter, and had her brown pixie cut slicked back. She wore a big, tulle, black gown with a neckline that showed off her glowing tan skin, and reminded Faye of the Chinese fans that Corazon always held.

"Move!" ordered a blonde girl behind Izzy, pushing past her and throwing her arms around Faye. She held her at arm's length. "Happy birthday, Faye!"

The blonde girl was Princess Charlotte of Flor. Unlike Izzy, she was the eldest out of her four siblings, and was getting ready to take the throne every minute. In fact, Izzy and Charlotte were polar opposites of each other, from looks to personality. Charlotte was serious and somewhat bossy, but only because she meant well. She wore a long, simple, purple gown, one length, that fell to the floor. Her dress covered her chest, but was sleeveless and showed off her toned, pale arms that she always worked out on.

"Um, hello? Is it my turn yet?" a voice called out from behind. A smaller girl waved at Faye, then ran over to her and held her tight, with the same birthday greeting as the two others.

Princess Karinna of Ontotoro was small, but she could be heard from miles away. She was spunky and loud, and the youngest of two. When away from her royal lessons, she always had a sketchbook with her, designing outfits. She was wearing one of her designs again, a long-sleeved, silver top with a keyhole neckline, and a tulle black skirt that fell to her knees, with crazy eye-catching silver boots. Her curly brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and she always knew what makeup went well with her glowy terracotta skin.

Faye's friends were absolutely beautiful, and, honestly, it was an honor to even talk to them.

As the four friends chatted, Crisanto came up to them.

"Faye? Faye," he kept calling before he arrived to the little group. Out of habit, Faye's friends all curtsied to him.

"Good evening, Your Highness," they greeted in unison, with bowed heads.

Crisanto laughed. "Girls, you don't have to do that every time you see me. I'm your best friend's dad, not your king."

"As long as we're in Nayilam, you're our king," Charlotte said matter-of-factly.

Crisanto just smiled at Charlotte before turning to Faye. "Princess Faye Blair Amor, I would like to introduce you to someone," he announced.

Faye sat up immediately, trying to hold her mocktail as sophisticatedly as possible. Could this be Prince Charming?

Crisanto stepped to the side and a tall, pale young man with gray, sparkly wings stepped forward. Faye didn't recognize his wing design, and she knew all of the fairy kingdoms of the world. He was taller than Faye, with the most prominent cheekbones and sharpest jawline she had ever seen. He had slicked back brown hair, wearing a white button-up suit with blue epaulets and a matching sash. Medals on medals on medals were pinned onto his uniform. But this boy's most striking feature was his bright blue eyes. He looked eerily familiar... but from where? Where had Faye seen him before?

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