"Oh, Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou, Ro--"
"You're not using enough emotion."
"Would you like to switch roles and become Juliet instead, Taehyung? I'll gladly be Romeo if it means I get to see you in a dress."
#1 in the fairytale series
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"How was that scene?" Taehyung asked their professor.
Minho shrugged. "The kiss was definitely good if that's what you're asking about."
"That's gross, Professor," Lunai said as she stepped out from the shadows.
"What, my kissing skills aren't good?" Taehyung questioned.
"Oh—fuck, here comes another argument," Jisoo muttered.
Lunai shrugged, a Kermit looking expression on her face. "It was okay. I'm more concerned about your acting skills."
"Oh, she did not," Juhyun whispered to Jisoo.
"What was that?" Taehyung asked, stepping closer to her.
The spotlight immediately shined on the pair.
"What the hell is Hoseok doing? He's just causing more of a scene by putting the spotlight on them," Jisoo muttered.
"That's what Professor Minho gets for putting him up there."
"I'm just saying that you should work on your kissing skills. Your future girlfriend might run away," Lunai said.
"I don't have enough time to kiss my pillow as practice like you. I actually have a job to get to," Taehyung replied.
"It doesn't take a pillow if I was born with it. Wow, tell me how your job giving blowjobs went last night. Did you get paid well?" Lunai asked.
Taehyung reached forward and grabbed her wrist with one hand, the other hand cupping the back of her neck. "Oh, Juliet, how beautiful doth are in the sunlight."
"Oh, Romeo," Lunai whimpered, leaning forward to touch his nose with her nose.
Taehyung immediately kissed her and the two share another passionate kiss in the spotlight. Lunai reached one hand to cup the back of his neck to push him in deeper.
"How many times have they done this now?" Juhyun asked.
"So many times, but it's always hotter than the last time they did it," Jisoo replied.