Boot Camp Training

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The sun was blazingly hot.The boys and other soldiers were 5 clicks out of the camp to train.Seargent Groove gives the briefing.

Sgt.Groove:Alright ladies,today I will see your combat experience on how well tou shoot take cover and medical attention.As you can see,you will be using standard M1 Garand with airsoft bullets.Each team consists of 10 soldiers,2 scouts and 3 medics.If you are shot.You must quickly react.Good Luck.

Then it started.(John and Miles are in team A led by John.While Team B is led by Ray.)
J:(Sign language)Crawl on the high grass,keep your head low and eyes peel.Be ready.Lets roll.

One of the soldiers in the grass trip forward due to a big rock.Team B saw them and started to shoot.
J:Shit,medics get your ass to the wound we'll cover you!

The shooting begun
John was aiming at Ray.Trying to kill him due to rage.While,Miles is beside him.
After the training
Sgt.Groove:Well ladies,Team A win with 4 casualties.Team B loses due to insufficient airsoft rounds.Good job.Dismissed.

J:Well,that ended pretty well.Cannot believe we won.
M:Heck yeah.We whoop their asses.Ooooo(Fist bump with John).
Night during food
P:Hey,Ive heard abou the physical training.Y'all did pretty good.When are you going to combat?
J:First,Thanks.Second,Idk coz tomorrow we still got face to face combat training.
P:Right.But good luck.
M:John,I wanted to confess
J:What is it?
M:Tonights food is better than yesterdays.
J:Hahaha.True.So true.You have one heck of a mind.

They ate and went to bed to prepare for the next training....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2018 ⏰

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