{0} Prologue

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(Sorry for any Spelling/Grammar errors) 

 I am going to warn you now, this is going to be a fast paced story because I wrote it like that. When I began this story I had no idea what I was doing. I still don't.  It's super choppy, messy and confusing at times so I apologize in advance. If you enjoy please feel free to vote and comment.  It really does mean a lot to me when you do so. Thank you c: 



I snuck down the creaky pine steps and tiptoed toward the ruckus in the kitchen. My mom and dad were at it again. But this is not like any of the other times. They were more loud, more violent then I have ever seen them before.

I peered around the corner to keep a good eye on my mother in case my father starts throwing punches. Even though I'm seventeen, I'll back up my mother and I won't be afraid to fight my drunken father. I have done it a dozen times before. Hell, maybe even more. 

My father slammed his fist on the table, sending the sound of cracking wood throughout the kitchen. "You have no right to fucking tell me how to run my life! I'm the one who provides for this family while you sit at home on your ass all day!"

My mother narrowed her eyes at him, giving him the death glare. "By providing you mean getting drunk over at the bar with your pay check? Then yeah you've done a lot of that!" Mother shot back at him. Her voice filled with venom.

"You Bitch," He raised his hand and slapped her across the cheek. "Dont you dare talk to me like that." I was getting ready to walk into the kitchen when my mom spoke. 

She looked back at him in shock as brought her hand up to her face where there was a red handprint. She threw her hands up, "You know what? I'm done! Done with you, done with this family! I am taking Aisly and moving out of this place once and for all." 

"You won't leave me! You never have. Never will."  He had clenched his fists at his sides, he was furious. He knew she would never leave him, he was certain that the family he had built would never fall apart. 

My mom put her hands on her hips and looked him straight in the eye. "Watch me." Moments later, a bang erupted throughout the house sending me wincing in pain and covering my ears. 

I peered back at my father who had a black, smoking weapon in his hands. It was the gun he kept just in case someone had broke into the house.

I look up to see my mother looking at him in disbelief. A rosette of blood formed at her chest and was rapidly getting bigger. My father shot her.

I stood up from where I was, standing in the doorway. "Mom?" My voice cracked, my vision clouded by tears. 

My mother looked down at her chest and looked at me. Tears fell from her eyes, She took her last step and then fell onto the cold tiles below her. 

His molten gaze turned towards my direction. He took a step towards me and I bolted up the stairs to my bedroom. Not taking the chance for him to catch me, I ran down the hallway, and flew into my bedroom. Locking the door behind me. I heard his heavy footsteps stomping down the hallway towards my room.

Tears fell down my cheeks as I frantically searched for my backpack with shaking hands. I found it and stuffed random clothing inside.

 I ignored the yells and bangs at my door while I jumped into a pair of jeans and threw on a hoodie. I snatched a picture of my mom off the dresser and threw it into my backpack and jogged over to my window. It was a long fall but if I landed the right way, I would be up and be into the forest behind our house in no time. I was getting ready to leap when my father came crashing through my door.

"Aisly, you get your ass in here right now!" His words slurring slightly as he ran for my window. 

I jumped but landed awkwardly on my side. I groaned and quickly got up, clutching my side as I ran as fast I could into the forest. 

"Dont worry, you'll come back to daddy soon enough." He yelled behind me. I winced, I havent called him that name ever since I was little. But now he's nothing close to a dad. 

I ran down the trails, not looking behind me. After awhile, my calfs and body burned from running but I didn't stop. No matter how much it hurts, I won't stop.

It was early in the morning, the cold was seeping through my hoodie and that was the warmest thing I packed aside from jeans. I came to a clearing and took a look around at my surroundings. The crisp air filled my noses and my shoes got soaked from the morning dew lingering in the grassy fields. I probably looked like a complete mess, I had stopped crying an hour ago but I felt as if I was going to scream and sob my eyes out at any moment. 

Movement to my left caught my eye and I turned towards a man in a pair of jeans and a plain T-shirt.

 "You know... Rogues are not welcome on our territory." He began.

He looked me up and down, looking for a reaction to his comment, It didn't phase me. I knew rogues weren't aloud in pack territories. Who didn't.? Well, humans but they don't count.

"You're coming with me." I could hear the authority in his voice but didn't back down. Why would I? How would you like to bossed around by a stranger? Yeah, I know I wouldn't.

"I'm just passing through, I dont mean any harm." I stated, sizing him up. "So no, I'm not coming with you." 

He sighed. "Either you can come with me and I can take you to the alpha, or I can kill you and bring him your body.... Your choice." He shrugged.

I looked him up and down. I wonder if I could run from this guy, I am Beta blood after all. I mean I could run until I hit the border and then they have no say. But I would just probably start the whole process with neighboring packs. Yada yada yada.

"Fine." I said and started walking towards him, waiting for him to lead the way.

But he stopped me mid-stride. "No hood."

I sighed loudly, not really mature but I honestly didnt care. "Why?"

"Because the Alpha won't appriciate you wearing a hood while he's trying to talk to you." He said simply.

I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at him. " I don't wanna."

I hoped that the whole 'acting like a child' thing would work. I mean, it works on everyone else. It usually annoys the hell out of the person enough that they just walk away but this time It didn't. This guy was rock solid.

I sighed and slid my hood back off my head and ran a hand through my mess of blond tangles that was my hair. " Happy?" I snapped. 

He stared at me. "Who are you?"

I rolled my eyes. "A rogue?"

He scratched the back of his neck while staring at the ground. "Um... Yeah right."

I looked at him wierdly but continued walking slowly."Let's go see the alpha. Yeah?" The sooner I could get through this and out of here the better. 

I want to get in and out of this place and then be on the move again. No doubt my father will come for me and try to chase me down.

"So where to?" I asked. 

He nodded his head. "You're going to be put Underground until your questioning."

Underground? Oh hell no.

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