The Dark Hero

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Some may say they know us, but they’re wrong. We are the people who save the lives of citizens and also put people in danger. We are the heroes that help defend the world or so I thought. Things were falling apart and still are. Will things get better or will it get worse? Only time can tell.

I was running down a dark hallway where the only light came from the candle in my hand. I didn’t know where I was going but I knew I was heading somewhere important. Something was following me, something big. I didn’t know what it was. I got to the end of the hallway and it’s a dead end! I felt like I was doomed. I turn around to face the enemy, but there was nothing. All of a sudden I heard a female voice saying “Rachel, time to wake up.” All of a sudden I get sucked into blackness.

 “Rachel, time to wake up.” My mom said. I wake up, my room is bright. It’s not my style but it was ok for now. My mom said I could change my room as soon as I got enough money for it. My room was too bright for me. I liked dark things that’s why my wardrobe is pretty much full of black; it also fit my mood sometimes.

I am right now freaked out. This is the fourth time I’ve had this dream and it gets creepier and creepier every time.

I walk over to my closet and pick out this nice black top with skulls on it and some blue jeans. I brush my black hair out of my face and walk downstairs. My mother was making pancakes. “Good morning mom.”

“Good morning honey. How did you sleep last night?”

“Oh fine.” I said as my mother handed me a plate of pancakes.

“Did you have that dream again?”


“Ra, you keep having the same dream each night. Do you want to talk some more?”

“No, and mom.” I looked over at the stove.

“OHHH, the pancakes are burning!” She went over to the stove to take care of the pancakes. I got up took my bag and my purple sweatshirt, and headed out the door. “Bye mom.” I said as I walked to the bus stop. I put in my head phones and turned on my favorite band: Falling in Reverse.  

            The bus pulls up and I sit in the only empty seat, but sadly it was in front of the popular group: Jenny, Hailey, and Bea. They’re the meanest group in school, but there was one girl who was nice to me every now and again.

            Someone tapped on my shoulder. I take off one ear bud and look behind me. “Hi.” Bea said.

“Hi Bea.”

“How are you?”

“I’m good. What about you?”

“I’m good.”

“How was your summer?”

“My summer was fine. Yours?”

“My summer was amazing.”

“Cool.” I put ear bud back in and waited to get off the bus. But of course Jenny had to start something.

“Hey weirdo,” She said as she pulled the ear bud out of my ear “So have you encountered any aliens yet because they want to take you to your home planet.”

“Yeah I wish, so I wouldn’t have to listen to you anymore.” I whispered

“What did you say weirdo?”

“Oh nothing. I was just thinking out loud about what it would be like to live on a different planet without you.”

“Oh yeah well at least my brother isn’t stupid.”

“Yeah don’t talk about my brother like that.”

“Like what?”

“Oh that’s it.” I jump over the seat but before I could throw the first punch Hailey grabbed me and pinned me to the aisle floor. I tried to fight back, but I couldn’t. Usually my best friend Simon would get me out of this situation, but he wasn’t on the bus yet. So I had to defend myself. I kicked and scream, but all the kids on the bus just laughed at me. Even the bus driver was laughing.

“Hey Goth chic your boyfriend’s not here to save you this time.” Hailey said with her devil smile. As soon as the bus stopped, I got free from Hailey’s grip and I sprint off the bus away from the people laughing. I run for a couple blocks crying, until I bumped into someone.

“Hey Ra, are you ok?” It was my best friend Simon I would know his voice anywhere.

“No. I just was embarrassed on the bus yet again.” I told him tears were rushing down my face.

“Hey we should take my car.” He told me

“Wait you have a car.” I said wiping the tears from my face. “Since when?”

“Since I bought it yesterday.”

“That’s why you didn’t answer my calls you were busy admiring your new car.”

“What no. I had my phone on silent.”


“It’s true.”

“Ok I believe you. Now are we going to go to school or what?”

“Yeah ok.” I walked and got into his car.

It was the longest car ride ever. I dreaded the thought of going to school. Having to deal with everyone. I don't think I can do it with how my day is going.

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