Chapter 5

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When I woke up this morning, it was quiet and I didn't find my mom starring down at me with disappointment, like I though she would. So I got out of bed and put on a purple shirt and black jeans. I also pulled on a blue sweat shirt so my mother wouldn't see the butterfly tattoos, because if she did I would get into more trouble then I already am. I walk out of my room and downstairs, still no sign of mom. The living room was empty so I knew she was awake. Suddenly I heard something coming from the kitchen. I peaked in and I saw my mom making toast. I slowly and silently walked in. I had to step just right or else I would step on the squeaky floor board. Which I did the opposite and stepped on the sqeaky board, because I was to focus making sure she didn't turn around. The floor board made a loud SQUEAK! She didn't turn around but she did say "Good Morning sleepy head. Did you have a nice night, because I sure did." She said it with a little sarcasm.

"It was interesting." I told her. She turn around.

"So what were you doing last night?" She asked leaning against our island. 

"Well it's complicated." I told her.

"Complicated? I was so worried about you last night. No calls, no texts letting me know that you were ok. Nothing. I was up for half the night worried about you. So I think I deserve an explaination young lady." She was mad now. 

"Ok. I'll give you one."

"Then let's have it."

"I was walking home from school and I seen someone I knew from school, and I got lost." Some of that was true.

"Why did you go into the woods?" She looked at me with a confused look. 

"I had to talk to that person." 

"About?" My mom raised her brow.

"Something for school." I lied. I hated lying to her. She has been lied to so many times before, but this was for her own good.

"Couldn't you have waited until today." 

"No it was about homework that is due today." 

"Oh." I looked at the time. It was 7:00, I was going to be late for the bus.

"Yeah and Mom, I got to go or I'll be late for the bus." I went to the door and grabbed my bag and slipped on my shoes, then I went back to the kitchen gave Mom a hug. I ran out the door to the bus stop. As I was going to the bus stop, I seen a car going out of control and it was coming toward me at a fast speed there was no way I was going to miss me. I put my hands and waited for it to hit but instead for a second it was like I was never there at all. I stood there in surprise. What just happened I thought. I looked at the car with was now crashed into a teleophone pole. I recongized it from some where. I went to get a closer look and I remembered where I had seen the car. It was Simon's! I ran to the car window. He was passed out. I got him out of the car and on to the ground. I reached into my pocket to grab my phone and I called 911. After a couple rings they picked up. Hello 911 what's you emergency?

"Hello My friend got into a car accident. He is unconciance. Send help please."

We'll be right over. They hung up the phone. 

"Simon?! Can you here me? Oh please, please. Someone Help?!" I had to do something I didn't want my best friend to die because of me. I tried to feel his pulse, it was getting weaker. What do I do? All of a sudden I felt someone watching me. I turn around and I see Estella starring at me. "Estella! Please can you help me?" She walked over to me a put her hand on his head. then said "I'm sorry but I can't do anything. I don't know how to."

"Well we have to keep him alive till the ambulance comes." 

"I don't think we can do that."


"He's to injured there is no way that he'll make it."

"Then we'll have to try." We tried some different things to see if we could get him awake or at least strenghten his pulse. But it wasn't working. 

"Nothing is working Racheal." Estella looked at me 

"It has to. I don't know what I would do without Simon. We've been friend's since I moved here in thrid grade. He is my best friend and I don't want to lose him." 

"We'll try, but we don't know how long he has. He isn't going to last long." And with those words I felt his pulse. It was gone. I bursted out into tears. I'd just lost my best friend. 

"I'm so sorry Racheal." Estella said she was almost in tears. I put my head on his chest and whispered "please simon, don't go. please don't leave me" All of a sudden I felt a burst of energy. I sat up and looked at Simon. He was breathing again. I looked at Estella and she looked as confused as I did.

The ambulance showed up finally and they loaded Simon on the strecher, and put him in the ambulance. As they drove away with Simon, Estella and I just stood there. Watching as they drove away both of us confused.

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