Chapter 3

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I went into the woods and looked around I saw nothing but trees, flowers, leaves and more leaves. I listened to see if I could hear something and I did, I hear footsteps. I tried following the footsteps the best I could. But all I pretty much did was followed the sounds of the leaves and sticks cracking. I finally saw the girl she had long black hair and a dress on with a hoodie. But the dress she had on wasn't like any dress I seen. I stepped on a stick and it cracked. Dang it! I thought She stopped and I hid behind a tree and hoped she didn't see me. I looked from behind the tree and saw her face. She looked very familiar, but I couldn't tell who she was. She looked scared, but determined. I'm guessing she didn't see me because she kept on going. I followed her to a mysterious cave. That's weird why would there be a cave in the middle of the woods I thought caves were on mountains and underwater. A little, quiet voice in my head was telling me not to go in there, but did I listen to it no. Even though I probably should have, but I let my curiosity get the better of me. I went towards the mysterious cave. After I had gotten into the cave, I saw that there were torches along the wall. They should have been visible outside of the cave but they weren't that weird I thought. The cave was longer than it looked. At the end of the strange cave, I saw paper with weird symbols on them and cabinet filled with who know what. There was also what looked like a chemisty set. There was even a fire place in the cave, How does some put a fire place in a cave? I thought. In the fire place was a pot hanging by a hook. There was also many book cases fill with lots of books. I would be in heaven if I had that many book cases since I like to read and I really need a place to put my many books. I saw an old woman and the strange girl, I don't think they saw me because I hide behind a rock and was ease dropping. I know that's rude but something weird was going on and I was going to find out what it was. The old woman was short and had some weird cape thing on along with an orange and green dress with a purple belt like thing. Her hair was light and dark gray with hints of bright white. Her hair was also in a bun at the top of her hair. She had a staff to. The staff was about as tall as she was maybe a little taller at the top of the staff was a weird red jewel in the shape of a circle with a spiral in it started to speak. "Estella, did you bring me the ingredients?" Wait Estealla. Isn't that the weird girl from my science class who always has the strange ideas? I should have known she doesn't really change from school to well whatever this place is.

"Yes, Ma'am. they're right here" Estella said hand over mysterious bag. The old woman put it with some other things in a draw then turn to Estella

yone follow you here?"

"I don't think so Ma'am. If you don't mind me asking why do you ask?"

"Because it seems like someone is ease dropping on us." All of a sudden the rocks I was hiding behind were gone and I felt flat on my face.

"Ow," I said.

"Mortal, what are you doing here?" The old woman asked. Estella was next to her, but her head was down and she was looking at her feet.

"I-I-I-I." I stuttered.

"Well answer me Mortal!" She yelled

"I was walking home and I seen Estella walking into the woods. I thought it was odd so I followed her."

"Oh is that true?"

"Yes, I know her from school. She is in my science class. I went to her house once for a project and she lives on the other side of town. I thought it was strange seeing her here so I decided to check it out. I know it wasn't any of my business to follow her I know that."

"Then why did you follow her?"

"I guess I was curious."

"Estella, is it true that you know this mortal from school?" The old woman turned to Estella. Estella looked up at me with sadness in her eyes.

"Yes Ma'am. Her name is Rachel. She sits in the back of my science class" She gives me a small smile for a second and then it's gone.

The old woman turned back to me. "You should have never found this place."

"I know and I am really sorry. I never meant to find this place."

"Yeah that's what they all say. I remember the last time someone followed Estella to this place."

"Who was it?" I asked looking at Estella who seemed to be sad now.

"It was some boy. I can't remember what his name was-"

"Eric." I knew who she was talking about. Eric was a boy in our grade who use to hang out with Estella lot. They were really good friend, best friend for a matter of fact. They did date for about three months and their relationship looked like it was going to last. They were deeply in love with each other, but one day Estella came into school one day crying. No one asked her what was wrong except for one person and that person was me. I asked her if she was ok. She said no. Then I asked if she wanted to talk about it. She said no. I told her if she ever wanted to talk about it I would be there to listen. Estella didn't have very many friends. Well technically Eric was her only true friend. I did count her as a friend but I didn't think she counted me as one. A week after that we all found out that Eric went missing and his parents were worried sick. People started to blame Estella for it. We never heard the story about it, I didn't think we ever would.

"Oh yeah, but now that you know where our secret lair is we'll have to punish you."

"What!? Punish me! I would never tell anyone where this place is, I probably wouldn't be able to find it again."

"It doesn't matter. You still will be punished you do not sneak in a witches lair and not get punished." Witches?! Rachel what have you gotten yourself into know? The witch started saying something in a strange language that I've never heard of. All of a sudden purple mist was swirling around me. "What's happening to me?"

"You'll find out soon enough dearie. " After she said I looked at Estella. She looked just as shocked as I was, but the purple mist came above my face and it started closing in all I could hear was the old woman laugh and my screaming. Then everything went black.

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