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Hey everyone. Here's the form for those to create your own character and mobile suit/Gundam. Here ya go. However, before you put your character up, please look at the information down below the form. It'll explain a few parts of form.

Character Form









Mobile Suit/Gundam(this is for the mobile suits and gundams from the original series. If you're gonna create your own mobile suit/gundam, go to the Mobile Suit/Gundam form below this form):


Mobile Suit/ Gundam Form




Frame( gundam or mobile suit)

Special Abilities:

Weapons(beam swords, cannons, fists, swords, funnels):

Special Weapons:

Other Info:

Now, here's the information I mentioned earlier. Hope this doesn't confuse you.

The whole rp is centered around one large event: A War. A war called Regalia War. It's a war between 2 sides. The NNEFF, the Nexus Neon Earth Federation Force. The other forces is known as the AEUF, also known Anti Earth United Federation. Also known as the Lokanas.

The NNEFF are a corrupt collision of governments that resides over control of Earth. They do as they please with no regards for the people of earth. They fall under the rule of the leader by the name of Wyatt Leonidas. However, not everyone believes that that is right. So there are those who reside in the NNEFF who disagree with them and so try to change it from within, even though they continued to fight the AEUF.

The AEUF forces, or the Lokanas, are a group of Spacenoids from Mars who declared war against the NNEFF, or Nexus, for their cruelty of the earth people as well as the Spacenoids who wonder on earth as well as space. Under the command of the leader, Hugh Samuels, the leader of AEUF, the forces take on the forces of Nexus.

Those are the 2 main forces, but there are 2 others that are at war with each other and can be as big as the Nexus and Lokanas. The Tyrans and the Orions.

The Tyrans, or TMF, are the ruthless mercenaries who sought battle after battle. They show no mercy and will fight for pay or women, or whatever they fancy. They fall under the ruthless rule of Grigori Dracks, a tyrant who thirst for battle and blood.

The Orions, or the UCOPPF, are the peace-seeking people who dislikes hate and violence and evil intention and try to either avoid conflict, or fight to end it. The United Coalition of Peace Protector Forces are leader by a beautiful woman by the name of Hiroko Tysukuna. She is the voice of peace, and many people fight to make her dreams a reality.

Now, you can for your own groups as long as you talk to me about and I'll decide if it's good enough. These are 4 groups you can choose from. The Tyrans, the Orions, the Nexus or the Lokanas.

**Special note. There is another group. A group that will be more advance than the others. To be fair to the others, I will allow only up to 5 people to join this group. If you wish to joins so me first and I'll decide. 4 slots remain. 1 is taken by Vocaloidfan01

This group is called Helios. And they all follow under an mysterious leader. The military part of this organization is called the Golden Army. There tech is much more advance than the other four. Everyone call the leader Master.**

**Another note. You can have one main Gundam and a secondary mobile suit. If you wish to have another mobile suit, you must ask me first and tell me about it. Describe it. Then I'll decide if you can use it or not.**

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