The Arulia Conflict part 2: A New Threat and A New Ally(Tyrans and Orions)

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Hey everyone, this is where we stopped at in the previous chapter. For those who haven't gotten to this point will not be allowed to join the rp, but rest assured, I'll make another for a fresh start later on. Or they can join later on, just have run it by me. Also, I'll be making changes to the rp so that it won't be confusing.

After the Attack on Colony 8, Juruga sent forces to collect the Prototype Gundam and it's pilot, only to find out that it held 2 people, Hiro Kuzuya and and Tira Tysukuna, the long lost Daughter of the voice of Peace, Hiroko Tysukuna. Then Juruga sent forces to find Hiro's mother and ask her who his father is and how he's able to pilot the Gundam. Unbeknownst them, a man by the name Senju Kuyumoto was sent by his Master, leader of the Top Secret Organization, Helios, to find Hiro Kuzuya, who is the leader's son and heir of the Helios Organization. He arrives to Colony 8 to find and speak to his mother, who couldn't tell him where he is since she didn't know.

Then Yashiro and Kaito, led by Ryan, arrived to Colony 8 to look for Hiro's mother, to which they found out is sick. So they went to her home, where they ran into Senju. Senju finds out that Hiro is on board the Orion Flag ship, the Cerberus. So he called his mobile suit and flew towards the Ship, with Ryan and the others behind him. There he was intercepted by Orion forces, to which he singlehandedly took down. Then the prototype mobile suit Corona came to life and destroyed the hangar bay doors, flying to stop Senju before he could fully destroy the Orion forces. Then he surrendered to the Orion forces and was brought to to the Cerberus. He was interrogated and then let go. Captain Juruga found out that he was a member of the Top Secret Organization known as Helios, which is more advance than any of the other organizations out there. Senju sensed the wills of Yashiro and and Kaito, and knew that they were worthy. So, during the Ceremony of the Flame, Yashiro and Kaito became members of Helios and became followers and protectors of Hiro Kuzuya. They then find out that Hiro was awake and then went to the Infirmary. There they spoke to him and explain to him who they are and that he's the Heir of a Top Secret organization. Before he could ask for more info and such, the ship was attacked by Yuuki, who is a member of Helios. An attack of mistaken identity. Senju was able to stop the attack before more lies could be taken.

Juruga watched the whole thing from the bridge. Then a pilot who just came aboard the Cerberus went to the bridge and explain who he is why he's here. Juruga then found out that the Orion Council at Orion Headquarters wished for them to return to base and being Hiro Kuzuya and Tira Tysukuna as well as the Talking Prototype Gundam. Senju near had everyone attacking each other when Hiro stopped the argument by saying they will go to base.

They are heading their now. Hiro, after being cleared by the doctors, gets dressed and heads to the hangar bay to see the Gundam CD-X: Unicorn Corona. Hiro looked in awe as he enters the hangar and sees the Gundam. He then looks at the other Gundams and mobile suits. He was shocked and stunned when he see the Corona moving his head. Then a crew member shows up and speaks to them. He told Hiro that the Corona can speak via monitors. After he took out a monitor tablet, Hiro and the Corona spoke to each other. The corona told Hiro that he can talk and move because of the AI system that was put in the Gundam. But it can't be controlled unless the Gundam chooses it's pilot. It choose him and Hiro felt honored. He thank the Corona and told the crew member that they were gonna go and see Tira in the infirmary. Then he and Yashiro and Kaito left as did the crew member. As they did, they missed the biggest moment ever. The Gundam CD-X Unicorn Corona spoke aloud in a hazy and statically mechanical voice.


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