37 5 0

The room seemed like an acre wide as many tables filled the rooms. Poker, Black Jack, Texas Holdem, and tons of other tables were available to choose from. "How can I help you Miss?", I turn and find a dealer assisting me. "I'm a challenger", I simply said, earning a nod from him and a gesture to follow. He takes me to a room with a holographic banner floating above, reading :
< Level 2: Captain's Treasure >.
A single, large, 13 foot table stood in the center. Dozens of players were gathered around the sides of the rectangular table as the 'boss' and the challenger stood across from one another.

As I leaned on the wall, someone flies past me in tears as the boss chuckles lowly. 'Guess they lost', I thought to myself. "WHO'S NEXT?!?", I heard the opponent shout. No one dared to raise a hand or speak out after witnessing what happened. Although I wasn't sure of the rules or the game, 'why not?', I thought to myself. Pulling my hood back, I step up to the place of the last challenger.

"My my, what a bold little girl we have here", he spoke. He was a fairly-fit middle-aged man in a grey colored suit. He had his grey hair slicked into a comb over hairstyle, held onto a golden cane, and observed me through his single glass monocle. He had a curled grey mustache, which reminded me of the Monopoly Game guy.. "Let's cut to the chase here, missy. The name is Cap'n Chip, Chip as in Poker Chips. Welcome to the Game of Games! Ready to attempt to steal the Cap'n's treasure?". This is a simple game I like to call, '17 cards'".

I stayed quiet as I listened to the rules. "There are the Kings, Queens, Jacks, and Aces. Each of them hold their four cards, which is the King of Hearts, Spade, Club, and Diamond. The same go for the Queen, Jack, and Ace. That's a total of 16 cards, you following? The 17th card.. is the Joker. The game is simple. We are dealed 4 cards each and you're goal is to beat me by tiers", he explained.

'I see... so out of my four cards, I can hold double Kings for example.. King of Hearts and Spade.. my other two can be a Queen and Jack.. but if he has triple Queens.. such as Queen of Hearts, Spade, and Clubs.. his triple beats my double.. to beat a triple.. I need a four of a kind..'

"Now now, you must be thinking how the Joker comes into play", he chuckled. "If you happen to gain the Joker, that card can become any card you want. But don't worry, missy. If you are unhappy about the shuffling, before the cards are dealed, you can call out 'cut'. You will be able to choose how many number cards you want to be moved to the back of the deck. And you will also be given an opportunity to switch out your cards during play".

"...understood", I nod. "Very well, let's begin", he smirked obnoxiously.

The dealer stood by the side of the center of the entire table. He shuffled the cards quickly with no hesitation.

"First to 5 points", he called out as the dealer spread out the shuffled cards in a semi-circle fashion on the table. "Cut 5", the Cap'n called out. With that, the dealer took the first five cards and placed them at the end of the deck. He begins to pass out the cards, only for Cap'n to speak once more. "Switch 1 card", exchanging one of his cards for another. He chuckled with confidence, eyeing me with mischief.

I kept my face neutral as I see the two Queens and two Jacks in my hand.
"Please reveal your hand", the dealer calls. I flip my cards, only to see that Cap'n had two Aces, a King, and... a Joker.. making that Three Aces and a King..

"A triple set beats a double set. Cap'n 1, Shizu 0. Reset", the dealer called out, re-shuffling the cards once more.

'.. I lost..'

The games continue..

"A triple set beats a double set. Cap'n 2, Shizu 0. Reset".

"A triple set beats a double set. Cap'n 3, Shizu 0. Reset".

"A triple set beats a double set. Cap'n 4, Shizu 0. Reset".

"HOHO! Looks like you're falling behind there, missy. Seems like all that confidence was merely a joke! It will be my pleasure to take away your esteem after this game", the Cap'n laughed heartedly.

'..I got it.'

"Cut 8. Switch 1", the Cap'n spoke once more. "Haha! Looks like it's over for you!", he laughed, holding his belly. "Switch 4", I grinned. "Please reveal your hand", said the dealer. "Looks like triples again for me, missy! Better luck nex—..".

"A four of a kind beats a triple set. Cap'n 4, Shizu 1. Reset", announced the dealer.
"Wha—?! H-how can this be?!?!", he yelled as he stared at my four Aces. "Let's continue the game shall we.. Cap'n?", I grinned.

"A four of a kind beats a triple set. Cap'n 4, Shizu 2. Reset".

"A four of a kind beats a triple set. Cap'n 4, Shizu 3. Reset".

"A four of a kind beats a triple set. Cap'n 4, Shizu 4. Tie. Reset".

"A four of a kind beats a triple set. Cap'n 4, Shizu 5. Winner is Shizu X", announced the dealer. A holographic banner popped up in the center of the table, reading :
<< Congratulations. You've completed
Stage 2 : Captain's Treasure >>

"H-how is this possible?!?", he yelled with astonishment as the audience cheered and clapped for my achievement.

"Well.. it was all thanks to you", I smirked.

A/N: whoops, late update.

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