Chapter 4

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*Alice's POV*

After what seemed to be a long time, we finally reached the end of the forest and entered civilization, suddenly breathing in muggy, hot air and the heat from everybody around seemed to make my skin feel all sticky and hot. I gripped Jack's hand as I remembered that there was a crowd, a sea of strangers just waiting to get more entertainment and judge every little thing they see. I winced at the thought and walked closer to Jack, our sides pressing together as we made our way to the private parking lot in which I assumed the ATL bus was at.

Finally reaching the side of the stage without many glances and screams from fans which went unnoticed in the crowd of noise, away from all the hectic noise and people and into a much more secluded area, where there where no people loitering, a voice reached my ears that made me freeze in my spot. Jack questioned me as to why I stopped walking, but I ignored him, deep in thought and in shock, fear spreading throughout my body like a wildfire.


'Maybe it was my imagination..' I hoped, pleading in my mind that it wasn't whoI thought it was.


A hand reached my shoulder, tackling me in a rough and unpleasant hug. "I finally found you! You need to stop running away like that!" The 25 year old man, whom I knew to be Dean, my ex, looked at me with false worry in his eyes. "We need to get home soon, baby bear, I got a surprise for you!" My mouth gaped open, and I hid my horror and smiled unsurely at Jack as I noticed something flash in his eyed but it was gone as fast as it came. "Sorry Jack...I- I have t-to go was nice meeting y-you." He gave me a hug and my eyes widened in fear, knowing I was in for it worse than I thought by his simple kind action.

His hand slipped in my pocket and put a scrap piece of paper in my pocket quickly and I immediately knew it was his number written on it. We pulled apart and he noticed the fear in my eyes and it seemed to click in his head what was happening. Motioning to Dean, Jack spoke, playing innocent while saving me at the same time. "Hey man, I know you wanna take her home but can you give her the surprise later, we were planning to hang out for a bit." Dean gritted his teeth, it was almost was unnoticeable but he nodded stiffly "No problem dude, let me just talk to her in private for a bit, alright? You can have her right after." Jack nodded but pointed at the bus in which I was to go to after my little 'talk' with Dean.

Jack retreated from where he was, now heading to the bus before disappearing through the door. I turned to Dean, fear now coursing through my veins stronger than ever, seeing he was shaking with anger. Gathering up my almost non-existent courage, I stood straight, narrowed my eyes at him and gritted my teeth. "Look Dean, how many bloody fucking times do I have to tell you we're over?!" He grabbed my arm and gripped it, bruising it with his rough, calloused hands.

"DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT YOU FUCKING SLUT, YOU'RE NOTHING MORE THAN A LITTLE WHORE." I flinched, feeling any confidence in my slip away with no hesitation. I lowered my head, avoiding any eye contact with him. "LOOK AT ME!" He roughly lifted my face, showing me the cruel anger that danced around his eyes, something that I have learned to fear over the years. "RUN AWAY LIKE THAT AGAIN AND YOU'RE MORE FUCKED THAN YOU ALREADY ARE." I clenched my jaw, frightened, knowing what was going to come when I saw him raise his hand, knowing that no one was to save me now. I felt my head snap to the other side, a stinging sensation growing until it became numb and tingly, I knew he had slapped me, hard. It was already bruising and swelling up, a situation all too familiar, that I already knew how it ended. Always with me bloody, bruised and vulnerable in the end. I bit my tongue, not letting a sound escape my mouth.

He raised his hand again, only this time it was clenched up and forming a fist. He swung it back before hitting me again, causing blood to pour out of my nose and a sharp gasp to escape my lips. I clenched my eyes shut, blurring out any profanities and words Dean was screaming at me. Taking blow after blow, eventually falling down onto my hands and knees. Everything seemed so blurry, black growing around the edges of my eyes as I wheezed to get air into my lungs. Blurred out, that's what everything was. My sight, and sound was blurry, but I couldn't help but try and pay more attention when I heard a voice. Strange...strange voice but familiar. I tried to make out what it was saying, having a bit of luck.

"Stop." Quiet. Blurry.

I could barely make it out when I heard the same voice again.

"Hey! Stop!" Louder. Clearer.

'Who is that?', I wondered.

Voices. So many. Or was it just one? No, more. At least two. Shouting, pushing. Someone tried to pick me up but I stumbled, my legs clearly not in shape to support my weight after the beating it got. Everything seemed numb but yet I could feel it all. The pain simmering on my skin and I felt hot tears spring up in my eyes as it got worse.

I tried to push who ever it was that was attempting to pick up my bruised and beaten body, afraid that it was Dean. Afraid that he was taking me away to torture me more. A voice, up close to my ear made me stop and think, trying to sort out my thoughts as it whispered comfortingly in my ear. "Hey, hey, don't worry, he's gone now." I instantly stopped fighting back, crumbling in the large hand's of the man who saved me. 

I guess that's what's different with my story.

Every fairytail has a princess that needs saving by her knight in shining armor, isn't that right?

Except i'm no princess. And I wasn't saved by a knight in shining armor.

No. I'm the broken girl who was saved by her Jack with the purple guitar.


A/N WHOOOOOOOOOO!!! I UPDATED!! YESH!  sorry for not updating earlier.... i got lazy... *grins sheepishly* anywhoozies, hope you enjoyed that litte tidbit there, sorry if it's short, mates.

goodbye mates and watch lots and lots of Doctor Who!

*enters the TARDIS and dissapears*


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