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i'm with my friends again
i love them but

sometimes, i just feel like i don't fit in with them

i try to help them a lot since they've helped me a lot as well

but the only problem is
sometimes i'm the replacement

some people only need me when they need something

sometimes if i'm not there

they just pick they're closest friends

like my friends

when i'm not in school i feel like they don't really care

yes, they message me to ask why i'm absent

but i know that they left me

since i wasn't there my friends probably chose other people to go out with

they chose other people in probably  everything

but even if i'm in school

i'm with them but it felt like

a trash

sometimes they just don't notice me at all

sometimes they just left me in the classroom


i don't wanna look like a loner so i tend to go into other groups

to look like i fit in

i've helped a lot of my friends but sometimes

some of them don't help me

they fucking hurt me back

❝I get so jealous because I know how easily replaceable I am

I'm nothing special❞

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