3.0 | Cinnamon Roll

28 1 6

"Yanno, you're a pretty cool human." Sans says,  grinning and bumping shoulders with you.
"Pfft, who told you that lie?" You chortle, smirking.
His grin widens and he shakes his head in amusement.
"Well, kid, are you warmed up yet?" he asks out of the blue, making you snap your head in his direction, a small crack resonating from your back.
You wince and roll your stiff shoulders, making them pop too, but stop suddenly when you see how Sans is looking at you.
His cheekbones are dusted blue and his pinpricks smaller than usual, his grin seeming more tense.
You then pale as you realize he's literate bone and consider how offending that must've been for him.
You go to apologize, but he stops you short, raising a hand "It's fine, kid. Don't worry."
You grimace and stare at him some more.
"You sure?" You mutter, embarrassed.
Dammit, you just met him Y/N, stop being such a weirdo!!
"Chill out, bucko." he says as he lazily sprawls across the green old couch, chuckling softly.
You hestitate before relaxing and sigh quietly.
The door is almost broken from its hinges and hits the wall with a deafening "BOOM".
A figure dashes into the house, merrily humming a catchy song.
"SANS, THE HUMAN TAUGHT ME HOW TO DANCE!!" the, very, very tall skeleton squealed out.
"Great, Paps, I'm proud of ya." Sans grinned while staring up at the other skeleton.
He must be his brother, idiot.
The tall skeleton stops dead in his tracks, staring you down, then bursts with energy as you are sent with force towards the corner of the couch as the skeleton bounces on you happily.
"SANS, LOOK, I CAUGHT A HUMAN!!" He screeched, taking you in his arms and hugging you.
You pale considerably, glancing wearily at Sans who seemed like he could care less, the usual lazy grin still in place.
"Pap, we are on the surface, there's no more Royal Guard." Sans softly says, looking at his brother tenderly. (I SHIP THEM SO HARD BUT..  *burns fontcest* AAAAAAAAA THIS IS A SNAS X RIADR I CAN'T DO THISSSSSS I HAVE TO MAKE A FONTCEST BOOK FFS)
The tall skeleton's grin drops slightly, but returns right after a second, becoming even bigger, and a happy screech jolts you slightly. "LET'S KEEP IT!!"
I'm sorry, it?! Ahahahahahahahahahaha, no you don't. Don't accuse me if you'll somehow lose a limb or two.
"I'm a girl, yanno?" You mutter angrily, childishly pouting.
Sans chuckles. "But Pap, the human got a house to be at, amirite?" he drawls out, winking at you.
"T-That's right, I should go anyways.." You say, your voice dropping after a few moments.
Truth to be told, you were feeling really sick, maybe you could call off work and sleep in tomorrow, then you'd have to call the people at school to announce you weren't going to come.
"Kid, you okay? You look pale." Sans suddenly snaps you out of your thoughts, his nonexistent brows furrowing.
How can bone, I repeat, bone, move? The heck? Monster--scratch that, SKELETON anatomy is confusing.
You nod and smile.
"I have to go."You smile and take the blanket off you, folding it neatly.
Sans smiles and "Pap" grins childishly.
"OKAY, HUMAN! TAKE CARE AND BE SAFE!!"he yelled happily.
"Thank you."You smile and slowly start walking home.
He's such a cute cinnamon roll. I just wanna hug him and squeeze tight owo

That moment when you're tryina write more but you just can't think anymore xD
I suck at being a writer lmao.
Thanks Sarah XD you gave me inspiration dayuuuummm thanks pal.
Also am I the only one that bites their tongue or lip until they bleed just because they like how their blood tastes? ._.
I sound masochistic af but I really like the taste xP
I'll do a question thing lol:

Who is your favourite Undertale character and why?
My answer: I actually relate to Sans a lot, umm I'm pretty depressed and always fall asleep in the most random times, and have trouble falling asleep at night. So, the skeleboi Snas is my favourite character.

( p -3- ) Homework, here we go!

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