Ch 7. Do you want to sleep with me?

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"Hey Jisoo! Jisoo!" Lisa stops her in the lobby of MI6 as she walks with Jennie.

Jisoo turns to face her. "What?"

"I need your help." She says. " I just overheard Rosé talking to her friend about how she likes tough people, and I need to impress her."

"Well good luck." Jisoo says turning to walk again.

"Wait wait wait!" Lisa says grabbing her arm. "I need your help to make me look cool!"

Jisoo sighs as she glances at Jennie, before looking back at Lisa. "What's in it for me?" Jisoo asks.

"I'll buy you meat for a week." Lisa offers.

"Any kind?" Jisoo narrows her eyes and Lisa nods eagerly. "Even chicken?"

"Yes even chicken." Lisa nods.

"Okay then. You have a Deal."

"Cool, So here the plan."


"Quick she's coming." Lisa whispers as they stand in the lobby, and Rosé walks in. "How dare you be so rude!" Lisa shouts at Jisoo, to get Rosé's attention.

Rosé walks over curiously as Lisa grabs onto the lapels of Jisoo's suit jacket.

Lisa gives Jisoo a look and she rolls her eyes, before using the actress in herself. " about you let me go Lisa, before continuing?" Jisoo says pretending to sound scared.

Do like I asked you too. Lisa says through her eyes.

The floor here is hard though! Jisoo communicates back.

"I guess mere words won't work with you! Hyah!" Lisa says before flipping Jisoo over her back. Of course Jisoo was pretending and had flipped herself over.

"Omo. Omo. Omo!" Rosé shouts before running over.

"You little!" Lisa shouts pretending to bend Jisoo's arms.

"Oh Ow. Ouch. Ow." Jisoo pretends to whine.

"Omo! What are you doing?!" Rosé shouts as she hits lisa over the head with her purse.

"Ow! Jesus fuck!" Lisa shouts as she falls over.

"Oh crap." Jennie's eyes widen and she quickly walks over to them.

Rosé bends down to Jisoo. "Are you okay Unnie?"

Jisoo gets up as she stops acting and turns to Lisa who is holding her head in pain.

"Ow! Ow! My head!"

"Are you okay Lisa?" Jisoo asks holding her head to observe it. "Aish, you're bleeding." She says looking up at Rosé.

"What?! Omo...I'm bleeding." Lisa says looking at the blood on her fingers. "Aish Jinjja!!" She whines loudly.


"Ow. Ouch. Owww." Lisa whines as Rosé cleans the cut on her forehead. "Why do you have a lump of metal on your purse?"

"Sorry. The world is a scary place these days, as you know." Rosé says as she bandages her cut. She tosses the cotton balls into the trash before turning to Lisa with her hands on her hips. "Which is why you shouldn't have done that in the first place!" She scolds. "And you too Unnie!" She says making Jisoo Jump a little. "You played along with her, just because she'd buy you meat?"

Jennie sucks her lips into her mouth as she watches from a distance, trying her hardest not to laugh at the two tough agents being scolded by a softie like Rosé.

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