Chapter 5

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I stare at the woman in front of me, who seems to not care the slightest.


"Kd #" She says blandly.


"Uh.. Kd107 Ma'am"




"15 Ma'am."


"New name."


"Elizabeth, Ma'am."


Her eyes pop when I say that, and she types something on the computer, then faces it to me.


Change it. Now.


"Why? I want to be Elizabeth."


Several people turn to face me, when the register smiles.


"She's new guys. She doesnt know."


People sigh in relief and get back to work.


"Listen. You can not, and shall not, be Elizabeth. You don't know how much trouble you would put yourself into."


"Like what? What could they possibly do to me?"' I ask in curiousity.


She takes her finger and slices it across her neck. Then she asks again.




I look at the list of names, then pick one.




"Very interesting choice, Crystal."


She yells for the next person, and I walk away, wondering what happened.


Wondering about everything.


I feel something jab onto my head, and I start to turn around.


"Ey you! If you take one step, I'll blow your brains."

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