Military base

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Me, Nick, Luciana and all her people were just passing the borders. Everything seemed alright. I was walking right next to Nick. ,,It looks like no one is here. It looks safe here," I said to him. ,,Yeah. It really does," he replied. ,,Maybe we will find your family there," I said and he stopped and looked at me. ,,It's not my family. It's our family Y/N. You are part of this family Y/N," he said and hugged me. I hugged him back and then we continued walking.

So many cars were left there. Looks like these people never had a chance to get to the other side by their cars.

Nick put down his backpack and pulled out a binoculars. He looked somewhere in front of him. I just watched him. ,,What?? What is it??" Luciana asked. ,,I'm just trying to focus...there's some kind of refugee camp," Nick said and I could see hope in people's faces. Nick then pointed the way and handed the binoculars to Luciana. She took it and looked that way. ,,Couple hours of walk, maybe??" Nick added. Luciana handed me the binoculars and I saw a helicopter in the distance. I looked at her and smiled. She stepped to me and hugged me. Nick looked at us with a big smile but then something happened. Someone suddenly jumped out from behind the cars. ,,Nick!!" me and Luciana yelled at the same time.

They started shooting at us. They shot Luciana and she screamed. I quickly grabbed my gun. Everyone tried to hide behind the cars and so did I. They kept shooting and everyone was screaming. I tried to aim and shoot at them as well but every time I tried that they would shoot my way immediately. Some of Luciana's people got shot but most of them ran away. Nick lifted Luciana and hid her behind a wall.

I was still crouching behind the car when I noticed our enemies. They were wearing military clothes and were heavily armed. They kept shooting at Nick and Luciana but they didn't notice me.

When they got to Nick and Luciana they dragged them from behind the wall and pressed them to the ground. In that moment I jumped out of my spot and shot one of their man. Right after that I got kicked from behind and fell on the ground as well. ,,Y/N!!" Nick yelled. They grabbed my gun and kneeled on by back to make me lie still. 

They threw us into their jeep and drove away. ,,Hey!! Let us go!! Where are you taking us?!" Nick yelled. Luciana looked really bad. I couldn't say a word. I was looking around like crazy. My back hurt really bad after they kicked me.

After a few minutes they stopped and kicked us out. They lifted us and dragged to a military base. They led us through many buildings.

I could hear gunshots and people screaming. They dragged us into some dark room and made us sit down. ,,Hey!!" I yelled. ,,Let us go!!" I yelled again but they just ignored me. ,,Oh my God...Nick. We have to get out of here," I whispered. I noticed a lot of people in that room. They looked really exhausted.

After a while a marine stepped into the room and picked a few people. They begged and cried. ,,What are you going to do with them??" I asked. ,,None of your business sweetheart," he said. After a few seconds we could hear gunshots. ,,Nick." ,,Yeah I know Y/N. But we have to figure out how to do it. And...I don't think Luciana would make it..." he caressed her cheek.

We were there for many hours. When the same marine came once again he walked right to me. ,,Stand up," he ordered but I just stared at him. He grabbed my hair and pulled me up. He threw me into another room and made me sit in a corner.

I looked around. About five marines were in that room and I counted six more people sitting next to me. One of the marines lifted up one man and dragged him to a wall. He tied his hands. The man was crying for help but the marines didn't care at all.

The marine aimed his gun at the man and shot. I jumped up. ,,No!!" I yelled. ,,What are you doing??" I started panicking.

After a while another marine walked in. ,,Alright. What did we got??" he asked. ,,Hey boss. He went down at 16:15," one marine answered. ,,It took two shots to take him down," another one said, ,,he's hella swollen." ,,How can you take down a guy from this close with two shots??" the boss chuckled. ,,Nah, he's a big man I get it now," he said after he kneeled down to him. ,,Okay," one of them said, ,,anyways, we thought it'd take him a few hours to turn. Thanks to his thickness."

Their boss checked him closely and then lifted the victim's eyelid. He stared at him for a while. ,,Nah c'mon,  c'mon, c'mon man." ,,Troy," one marine warned him. ,,Yeah I know Blake. Not the eyes...welcome back. Hey," he laughed after the man turned. They all started laughing. ,,Alright...that's a resurrection at 17:17 mark it down," Troy said and pointed at one of the marine. ,,You just cost me a bunch of money," the marine said to the zombie as he was writing something on it's forehead. Another marine lifted me and tied me next to the zombie. ,,You're sick!! Let us go!!" I yelled at them. ,,Well maybe you can offer us something. You know what I mean..." he said with a creepy smile  and rolled up my shirt. I shuddered  but I had nowhere to ran. ,,Get your dirty hands off me!!" I said aggressively and spitted into his face. Other marines were just watching us and after I spitted at him they bursted out of laugh. ,,You little bitch!!" he yelled and hit me hard. I kneeled down and spitted blood from my mouth. Their boss slowly turned to me. ,,And you are?? Who do you think you are?? You had a chance to save your life. You're not worth anything more than to be our little toy anyway. So who are you??" he asked. ,,None of your business," I said caustically but he kept staring at me so in the end I said: ,,Y/N."

I'm not a savage Troy Otto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now