Chased by the past

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,,You know Y/N...I love you," he whispered exhausted. I just stared at him. It was such a nice feeling to hear that. To hear someone you love more than yourself say he loves you. Tears popped up in my eyes. ,,Oh shut up," I giggled but couldn't help the tears. I was worried about him. A goddamn cold could kill him these days. ,,Isn't it funny??" he asked all of sudden. ,,What do you mean??" I asked as I was pouring the cold water all over his back. ,,You know. This all. It doesn't even seem like reality. What is this?? Some kind of dream?? Are we in a book or some shitty movie?? I don't get it..." he sighed. ,,I think you're thinking too much right now," I smiled. ,,No. Look. How could something like this ever happened?? I don't get it. How can people like Madison happily survive a fucking zombie apocalypse and whole force of army can't. That's bullshit. I think that either...they are hiding know like on some sort of island or something together with the president and the goverment or...or...they can't be dead right?? It's bullshit!! It's fucking bullshit!!" he started yelling. ,,Troy....Troy..." I tried to calm him down but he tried to shove me away but he was too weak. ,,I killed them!! I fucking killed them all!!" he kept yelling. ,,It wasn't your fault. wasn't..." I whispered as I held his head on my chest. ,,In the end...I'm glad this weird ass situation happened you know?? Because I met you," he whispered. I smiled while still holding him. ,,I'm glad I met you too," I said and kissed his forehead.

,,Do you want me to get you something??" I asked after he calmed down. ,,I'm really hungry," he said slowly and without looking at me. ,,Okay, I'll be right back," I said and hurried to the market. I bought steak with bread and hurried even faster back to Troy.

I heard someone from the bathroom so I slowly opened the door. ,,But...mum you don't understand," he was saying to the emptiness in front of him. ,,Troy??" I said carefully and put the plate with his food on a little table below the sink. ,,You know mum...I didn't want to do that...but I had to. I had to kill dad and...and you," he kept talking. ,,Troy," I tried again this time more loudly. ,,No!! I didn't want to!! Jake tried to kill me so I killed him!! I killed them all for you mum. For you and me, mum!! I did it for us!! So we can be together!!" he started yelling and grabbed a bottle and smashed it against the wall. ,,Oh my God. Troy stop!!" I yelled because the broken glass fell into the bath tub. I was scared it might cut him. He grabbed one big shard and put it onto his wrist.

Oh my...what is he doing?! ,,Troy put it down!! Now!!" I yelled and grabbed his hand to keep the shard away from his wrist. ,,Is this what you want me to do?! Huh?! Is this it?!" he didn't stop. I tried to take the shard from his hand but he jerked away and cut my palm. ,,Ah!!" I yelped. ,,Fuck!!"

,,I didn't want much from you!! I only wanted to be loved!!" he started crying and looked at his wrist. ,,Okay..." he sighed. ,,No. No. No. No. No. No," I stuttered and jumped to him and grabed the shard. It hurt so fucking bad. It kept cutting my palm but I had to stop him. ,,Stop it Troy!!" I yelled and slapped him real hard.

He stopped moving. I was scared what he might do next but he only looked at me. ,,Troy," I tried once more. ,,Y/N?? Wh-what happened??" he didn't understand. I looked at his wrist. ,,Shit!!" It was bleeding. ,,Oh my God!! Press it!!" I yelled and tried to find something like a scarf. I finally found one and rushed to him. I tied his wrist up really tight. Thank God it wasn't that deep. He didn't loose that much blood...

,,Stand up Troy," I helped him out of the bath tub and covered him in a towel. I led him to the bed and he collapsed into it. I covered him with blanket and grabbed a bandana to tie up my own palm. ,,Y/N what happened?? Please tell me," he said again. ,, were talking nonsense and then tried to cut your wrist," I said honestly. ,,What nonsense?? Come here please," he said and tapped on the bed next to him. I stood up and walked to him. I checked the temperature on his forehead. Still not good... ,,Did...did I do this to you??" he asked really worried when he noticed my hand. ,,Nonono...I's okay," I smiled at him and kissed him on his forehead.

,,What was I talking about??" ,,You were talking with your mum about...about your dad and brother," I didn't want to burden him with all the details. ,,Oh...oh. That's good...I guess," he smilled. He looked really week. ,,Yeah," I smilled back.

Hey guys!!

I know it's been a while since I last updated this book but don't worry. You know it's summer time so I have a lot of different things to do but I'll start updating it more often soon!!

Also...I can't believe it but we are beyond 9 000 of reads!!

I love you all so much!!

PS: Who is excited to see the second half of FTWD as much as me?!

<3 <3 <3

I'm not a savage Troy Otto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now