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,,I-I," Nick stuttered. ,,Fuck Nick!!" Troy yelled and the man looked at us. ,, son of a bitch!!" he yelled and started walking toward us. Troy grabbed me and hid me behind a corner. ,,Stay here," he said and quickly kissed my forehead. I collapsed to the ground. I couldn't say a word.

The man was just a few steps away from Nick. He wanted to punch him but in that moment Troy knocked him down. ,,You know who I am, huh?!" Troy yelled into his face holding a knife on his neck. ,,Just a little bitch!!" the man yelled and tried to get up but Nick made it impossible. ,,Where's my girl??" he asked and even though I couldn't see Troy's expression, because I could only see his back, I could imagine it. He hit the man in his face. And again. ,,I'm gonna make this slow," I heard Troy. Nick stepped away.

I could see Troy was loosing his strenght with the third hit. And when he was just about to hit him for the forth time the man managed to shove him down and got up immediately. His face was full of blood. Troy tried to stand up but the man kicked him into his stomach. ,,Uh!!" he yelped. ,,Troy!!" I tried to yell but I only managed to whisper. Nick tried to knock down the man again but he was too strong.
He shoved Nick against the ground. Troy lifted him from the ground the same moment.

They looked at each other and nodded. Troy pulled out a knife and Nick grabbed a wooden bat. I was so worried about them. Nick tried to hit the man with the bat but he dodged. Troy was ready in the right moment and managed to cut the man's arm. He started bleeding a lot. ,,Fuck!!" he yelled out of pain.

I thought it will be alright because they were two and he was only one but I was so wrong. A second after I started thinking positively I saw another man walking to them. He was wearing the same jacket as the rapist. Are they in some sort of a gang?! Oh no!! I must help them!! Come on Y/ have to do something!!

I grabbed onto the wall and slowly managed to stand up. My legs were shaking. I looked around myself. I was looking for a weapon when I noticed an iron bar. I grabbed it and turned to them again. Troy just hit one of them but he hit him back right after. Nick was fighting the second man.

I still couldn't bring myself to walk to them and do something. Troy fell down after the man kicked him into his stomach again. He spit the blood on the concrete and wanted to quickly stand up but then he noticed me and looked up. ,,No!! Y/N don't-" the man kicked him in his head. ,,No!!" I yelled and started crying again as Troy hit the ground hard. I finally managed to move and ran to him.

He was motionlessly lying on the ground. I rolled him over and grabbed his face. ,,Oh my God...Troy open your eyes...please," I begged as my tears were falling on his face. Nick fell on the ground next to me as well. I saw his bloody face and gasped.

I grabbed the bar and stood up. I tried to hit the second man but I missed and they shoved me against the ground as well. ,,So you came back to me. And brought your friends so I could have some fun with them. That's a good girl," he smilled grossly. I spit on his boot. ,,Someone's asking for a harsh treatment again," he said and grabbed Nick by his hair. ,,How would you like this," he pulled out a knife, ,,in his stomach??" ,,No please!! Please don't do it!! I'll do anything but don't hurt-" I couldn't even finish the sentence and he stabbed Nick in his stomach.

I was speechless. Nick yelled out of pain. ,,Please..." I whispered. ,,Please?? Please what?? You want another one for him??" the second man asked and kneeled down to Nick as well. ,,No. Nonono..." I cried and wanted to stop him but I couldn't. He stabbed him again. And again. ,,Nick..." I embraced him. The blood started making a huge patch around his body. ,,I'm so sorry Nick," I cried into his chest. He grabbed my hand, smiled and then closed his eyes. I started crying even more. I couldn't believe it. It all happened so quickly. It can't be true. It can't!! Is this a nightmare??"

I saw they started looking at Troy. ,,No. No!!" I yelled and grabbed Troy and pulled him closer to me. He was breathing but not moving. The second man grabbed Troy's arm and dragged him away from me. ,,No please!! I'll give you what you want. You want my body?? Take it!! But let him live please!! You can do whatever you want with me just please...don't hurt him," I begged.

The rapist kneeled down to me. ,,You know...there might be one thing. One thing that might save him. You need to...but you know what. Screw him, we'll take what we want anyway," he said and looked at the second man. ,,Nonono!!" I yelled at him.

The man grabbed Troy's head and broke his neck in one move. My jaw dropped. I couldn't even blink. I had to stare at him. I couldn't believe it. Not even a bit. This is not true.

,,Let's see if you're a magician. There's one thing again. One thing you need to do," he kneeled down right in front of my face. I wanted to punch him. I wanted to pierce his skull with the bar. I wanted to kill them both. But I couldn't.

He took a really deep breathe before he yelled into my face: ,,You. Need. To. WAKE UP!!"

I'm not a savage Troy Otto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now