Chapter 10

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There I was, in the centre of the dance floor dancing to the beat, having the time of my life, I was swaying my hips in time with the music, laughing with my friends, flirting with guys. This was the life, partying all night, sleeping all day.

"Someone's having fun!" I felt someone come up behind me, and rest their hands on my hips, I knew it was Kaleb.

"Of course! It's a party!" I replied smiling.

We danced together for a few songs and then we walked back to the drinks 'bar'.

I poured myself a drink and looked up at Kaleb mentally asking him what he wanted. He just grabbed a cup and put in by mine so I poured him a glass as well.

"Good party, I have to admit." Kaleb almost had to shout over the music.

"Well of cause, it's the best house for the best party!" I replied at the same volume of loudness.

He leaned down going in for a kiss; I stood a little higher too reaching in. Just as our lips were about to touch a loud scream was made behind us. I whipped my head around, forgetting the kiss.

Ebony was stood over Chase and some cheerleader; they were in the middle of a make out session.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" Ebony shouted, the music was turned down, everyone was looking.

"I'm making out with my boyfriend," The cheerleader sneered, "Are you jealous?"

"WHAT? Your boyfriend?!" She was mad. She grabbed the nearest drink, it was vodka, and tipped it over the cheerleaders head.

"What was that for?" The slut of a cheerleader screamed.

I ran over to Ebony grabbing her hand before she could do anymore damage. Ebony glared at me, turned and fled the scene. I looked at Chase as he stood up, I raised my hand and SMACK; it echoed through the now silent house. I turned and raced after Ebony.

She was at the end of our driveway, sat on the floor in tears.

"Hush," I cooed, "it's okay."

"It's not okay," She sobbed, "He cheated on me!"

"He was drunk, he didn't mean to."

Her cries grew stronger, I hugged her tightly as she cried on my shoulder, "Come on, I'll take you in, you can sleep at mine, the party will be over now."

I stood up and walked back to the house, with ebony still sobbing, but less violently. As we walked in people were still milling around, some people even passed out on the floor.

I sighed, "Parties over everyone get out of here!" I waved my hand dismissingly.

Some people thanked me for the party as they headed for the door; some people even gave Ebony slight pats on the shoulder to give her reassurance, she just smiled weakly.

I walked her down the stairs into my bedroom and laid on my bed, she instantly fell into uneasy sleep.

I walked back up the stairs to meet Chase sat on the edge of a sofa, rubbing his temples.

I stopped at the top of the stairs, "You broke her heart you know." I murmured.

He looked over at me, worry clouding his gaze, "Where is she, I want, no, I need to speak with her."

"She's asleep, it's better if you don't wake her." I replied, "What were you thinking Chase, making out with a cheerleader Chase!" I started to raise my voice but tried to control it for Ebony's sake.

"I was drunk all right! I didn't know what I was doing! I'm sorry for her, and you, I know I shouldn't of." He ended off quietly looking down.

"We'll talk about it in the morning, now's not the time. Ebony's down stairs so I wouldn't sleep there. I'm going in one of the spare bedrooms." I murmured and walked off.

Great going Chase, just great.



I didn't upload yesterday because I didn't feel like writing, but I was thinking of other story ideas, I got one plotted with all the Characters, not sure if I'm going to upload any of it though.

Thanks for reading!

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