Chapter 3 (Ten Years Later)

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TIM POV: "Hey Ma," I yell up the stairs, "I'm taking the truck." 

"Be careful! Don't wreck." She yells back down. I've been driving for a year, I'll be fine. 

It's finally eight o'clock on Friday. I've been waiting for this day since Monday when I asked Jana out. We're going to one of these bonfires my friend is hosting. I'm just praying they don't act like assholes and get everyone in trouble. 

I pull up to Jana's house and try to breathe. I've had a thing for her since we were in elementary school. She was one of the very few kids who stood up for me... What if her Dad opens the door? My mind begins to ramble, thinking of everything that could go wrong. Everyone's parents aren't too enthralled with me, due to my families predicament. We are poor, blue collar, and full of alcoholics.... Not exactly who you want dating your daughter...

I knock on the door and hold my breath. Her house is huge. She says it's too basic and big for her. She likes the smaller houses with character more. As thought, her father opens the door. He stands so tall, I'm surprised his head doesn't touch the top of the door frame. 

"Come on in son." He says with a deep, booming voice. He's a large guy... He could definitely kill me if he desired too. "So you're Sean, right?" he says. 

"Um no, I'm Sam." I correct. He pours himself a glass of whiskey. 

"Same thing." He says, releasing a big laughing. I smile to try to hide my fear. Luckily, Jana runs down the stairs before he can intimidate me further. 

"Hey!" She says, stopping halfway down the stairs. "Do you think this looks alright?" She asks. I turn to look at her. She looks stunning. Her bright blue eyes flash through her long blonde hair. She must've straightened it tonight. She's wearing a yellow sundress that showcases her tan shoulders. 

"You look beautiful." I say, a little flustered. Her dad tightly grips my shoulder. 

"Okay Sean,"

"Sam..." I correct again. 

"Make sure my little girl makes it home safe by midnight, okay?" He says. I look at him with a bit of surprise. Most Dad's around her want their daughter's back by sundown.... 

"Yessir." I say, opening and holding the door for her. She smiles up at me, giving me a numbing sensation. We walk out and get in the truck, where I can finally breathe. 

"He intimidate you?" Jana asks, smiling her bright smile. 

"Not nearly as much as I expected." I say. She laughs. Her laugh is music to my ears. 

"So where is this thing?" She asks, curling up in the seat to face me. 

"I think it's at Chris's farm." I say. 

"Oh, fun." She says unenthusiastically. 

"I know. After a while, we could head out and maybe get a bite to eat." I offer to compensate. 

"That sounds like a plan to me." She smiles. God, I love this girl. We pull into Chris's long, trecherous driveway. After clearing it, we pull up behind the barn. Jana jumps out before I can open the door. She stops and waits for me to get out of the truck. 

"I was going to open the door for you." I laugh. 

"I can be independent." She teases, grabbing my hand and dragging me towards everybody. 


It's about nine o'clock when Chris and the guys pull out a few kegs.

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