The Southern Air Temple

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Chapter Three: The Southern Air Temple:

Kazana's P.O.V:

Aang made Appa land, so he could rest and all of us could sleep. However, it was dawn, when Aang had us wake up. By the way, not my cup of tea. I hated mornings and so did Sokka, who was still sleeping. Aang was tightening the reins on Appa's horns, while me and Katara were packing the saddle. "Wait till you see it, Katara and Kazana. The Air Temple is one of the most beautiful places in the world," Aang informed us, happily. We still haven't told him that the firebenders invaded all the air temples and wiped out the airbenders. We didn't have the heart to. Katara started saying, "Aang, I know you're excited, but it's been a hundred years since you've been home." I had no idea where Katara was going with her statement, but Aang looked at her with a big grin on his face, "That's why I'm so excited." Katara was looking at him, "It's just a lot can change in all that time." Aang continued tightening the reins as he answered, "I know, but I need to see it for myself." Katara and I looked at one another and had sad expressions on our faces. Aang hopped down to where Sokka was still sleeping, "Wake up, Sokka! Air temple, here we come." Sokka groaned, "Sleep now. Temple later." He turned over and started snoring again. I rolled my eyes. He was worse than me in the mornings. Katara and I saw Aang pick up a stick and started to make slithering motions on Sokka's sleeping bag, "Sokka, wake up! There's a prickle snake in your sleeping bag!" Aang was goofy, but he had some clever tricks up his sleeve. Sokka immediately started screaming and jumping around in his sleeping bag, "Ahh! Get it off! Get it off!" He tripped and fell to the ground and Aang declared, "Great, you're awake. Let's go."

We were on our way to the Southern Air Temple and Sokka was digging through our bag to find food. I was starving, as was Sokka. Sokka's stomach growled, "Hey, stomach. Be quiet, alright. I'm trying to find us some food." "What about me and my stomach?" I asked him and he looked at me, "Yes, you too." I smiled and he held up a bag. He opened it and shook out whatever was in there. However, that turned out to be crumbs. I sighed in defeat. "Hey, who ate all of our blumber seal jerky?" Aang answered him, "Oh, that was food? I used it to start the campfire last night. Sorry." What? He used the delicious seal jerky for a fire starter. Man, that would explain why it smelt so good though. "You what? No wonder the flames smelt so good," Sokka complained. A mountain range came into view and I was admiring the beauty of it, when I heard Katara's voice, "Aang, before we get to the temple, I want to talk to you about the airbenders." Was she going to tell him? Sokka and I exchanged glances and focused back on the pair up front. "What about them?" Aang asked. Katara looked away from Aang, "Well, I just want you to be prepared for what you might see. The Fire Nation is ruthless. They killed Kazana's mother, along with my mother," she looked at Aang again, "They could've done the same to your people." Well, she sort of told him. I mean it is half the truth. Aang looked a little worried, but quickly looked at Katara with confidence, "Just because no one's seen an airbender doesn't mean the Fire Nation killed them all. They probably escaped." He was trying so hard not to believe what Katara had said was the truth. I crawled over to them and said, "I know it's hard to except." Aang looked at me, "You don't understand, Kazana. The only way to get to an air temple is on a flying bison and I doubt the Fire Nation has any flying bison. Right, Appa? Yip yip!" I bit my lip and sighed and laid down on my back looking at the clouds. However, Sokka grabbed ahold of me and we started going straight up over a mountain. I closed my eyes tightly as I held on to Sokka for dear life. Once it was over, I opened my eyes to see the air temple. Aang was right. It was beautiful. "There it is. The Southern Air Temple." Katara sounded completely captivated, "Aang, it's amazing!" Aang had said something to himself and to Appa, "We're home, buddy. We're home."

3rd Person's P.O.V:

"And by year's end, the Earth Kingdom capital will be under our rule. The Fire Lord finally claim victory in this war," Commander Zhao informed Prince Zuko and General Iroh. Zuko answered him, "If my father thinks that the rest of the world will follow him willingly, then he is a fool." Zuko had resentment in his voice. Zhao sat down next to Zuko, "Two years at sea have done little to tamper your tongue. So, how's your search for the Avatar going?" There was a loud crashing sound. It came from Iroh accidently tipping over the weapons rack, "My fault entirely." Iroh backed away from the mess he had created and Zuko answered Zhao, "We haven't found him yet." Zhao continued his conversation with him, "Did you really expect to? The Avatar died a hundred years ago, along with the rest of the airbenders." Zuko looked away from Zhao, but Zhao had a smirk on his face as he said, "Unless you found some evidence that the Avatar is alive. Zuko looked up at Zhao and said, "No. Nothing." Zhao looked at Zuko, accusingly, "Prince Zuko, the Avatar is the only one who can stop the Fire Nation from winning this war. If you have an ounce of loyalty left, you'll tell me what you've found." Zuko brushed off Zhao, "I haven't found anything. It's like you said, the Avatar probably died a long time ago." Zuko stood up out of his chair and called to Iroh, "Come on, Uncle, we're going." As they tried to leave, the guards blocked them. A guardsman came toward Zhao, "Commander Zhao. We've interrogated the crew as you instructed. They confirmed that Prince Zuko had the Avatar in custody, as well as a watertribe girl with amber eyes, but let them escape." Zhao perked his head up at the girl that was watertribe, but had amber eyes, "Really? A watertribe girl with amber eyes." He spoke to himself thinking about the one of his soldiers that was executed. He had married a woman from the watertribe and they had a child. Zhao smirked, and asked Zuko, "Where did you find this girl with amber eyes, Prince Zuko? Do you, perhaps, have a relationship with this girl?" Zuko didn't know why, but he felt like he had to protect the girl, even though she wasn't here, "Why does it matter to you?" Zhao smirked, "If she is your age, she would make a perfect bride." Zuko glared at him, "Why are so interested in this girl, when you've just been told that the Avatar was on my ship?" Zhao smirked and changed the subject, "So, how exactly was your ship damaged?"

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