Chapter 8: Avatar Roku (Winter Solstice Part 2)

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No One's P.O.V:
Aang had told Kazana, Katara, and Sokka to stay in the village, while he went to the temple of Avatar Roku in the Fire Nation. This did not sit well with Kazana as she wanted to go see where her father was from. She could also help with any firebenders that he would come across. It also didn't sit well with Appa, apparently. "Let's go, Appa! Come on, boy!" Appa roared in disagreement. Aang knew that Appa was upset, "Look, I'm sorry, but Katara, Kazana, and Sokka aren't coming to the Fire Nation with us. If they got hurt, I would never forgive myself. So, get your big butt off the ground and let's go!" Aang pulled on the reins, but Appa did not budge and he landed on his butt. "I think his big butt is trying to tell you something," Sokka said. Aang thought they were all asleep. "Please don't go, Aang. The world can't afford to lose you to the Fire Nation and neither can I," Katara pleaded. Aang looked down a bit and recalled his vision of the comet, "But I have to talk to Avatar Roku to find out what my vision means. I need to get to the fire temple before the sun sets on the solstice and that's today." He used airbending to hop on Appa. He pushed Appa forward, but was stopped by Katara, Kazana, and Sokka. Kazana said, "We're not letting you go into the Fire Nation, Aang." "At least, not without your friends. We got your back," Sokka finished. Momo landed on Aang's shoulder and he realized that it was either with them or without them. Appa licked Sokka and exclaimed, "Eww." The respectable man from the village walked up to Aang with some supplies, "It's a long journey to the Crescent Island. You'll have to fly fast to have any chance of making it before sundown. Good luck." Everyone climbed aboard Appa and as Aang was trying to thank the man, the man interrupted, "Go!" They immediately took off toward the Fire Nation. However, not too long after they left, the man could not sleep and walked out the door, only to be greeted by Zuko, "Having trouble sleeping?" Zuko pushed the man back into the building and asked, "Seen the avatar lately?" 
The sun was rising and Aang was flying Appa as fast as he could, "Come on boy, we've got a long way to go. Faster!" Katara, Sokka, and Kazana were keeping an eye out for the island or anything else. Not far behind them was Prince Zuko on his ship. "Sailing into Fire Nation waters, of all of the foolish things you've done in your 16 years, Prince Zuko, this is the most foolish!" Uncle Iroh said to Zuko. Zuko brushed him off saying, "I have no choice, uncle." "Have you completely forgotten that the firelord banished you? What if you're caught?" Iroh retorted. Zuko looked back at his uncle, "I'm chasing the avatar. My father will understand why I am returning home." Iroh was not convinced. He knew his brother too well, "You give him too much credit. My brother is not the understanding type." Zuko turned back to the scope and tried to locate the avatar, which he found, "They the are. Helsmen, full steam ahead!" Kazana spotted the ship, and she knew exactly who it was, "Aang, we've got trouble!" "Yeah, and it's gaining fast!" Sokka added. Aang looked back to see the ship. Zuko had a catapult brought up the deck and was ready to shoot them down, although, deep down he didn't want to hurt or kill anyone. He couldn't afford to kill the avatar. The firebender soldiers covered the boulder in a stinky, tar substance that was highly flammable. Iroh took out a fan and tried to fan away the stink from his nose, "Really, Prince Zuko, couldn't you shoot them down with something more fragrant?" Zuko lit it on fire and held up his hand, "On my mark. Fire!" The soldier cut the rope that held down the boulder. The catapult sprung the boulder toward Aang and everyone else. Kazana saw it, "Fireball!" Aang saw it and said, "I got it!" He steered away and dodged it. However, the stink was still there and Katara said, "We have to get out of Zuko's range before he shoots another hot stinker at us." "Can't you make Appa go any faster?" Sokka asked. "Yeah, but there's just one problem," Aang said. They all looked and Zuko saw it to, "A blockade." Fire Navy ships were blocking the border to the Fire Nation. "Technically, you are still in Earth Kingdom waters. Turn back now and they can't arrest you," Iroh advised Zuko. "If we fly north, we can go around the Fire Nation ships and avoid the blockade. It's the only way," Aang informed them. Kazana knew that wouldn't work. They would miss the solstice. Katara thought the same thing, "There's no time!" "This is exactly why I didn't want you to come. It's too dangerous!" Kazana replied, "And that's exactly why we are here." "Let's run this blockade!" Sokka encouraged. Aang commanded Appa, "Appa, yip yip!" Zuko noticed that they were not turning around, "He's not turning around!" "Please, Prince Zuko, if the Fire Nation captures you, there's nothing I can do. Do not follow the avatar," Iroh pleaded. Zuko closed his eyes. He wanted to go home, "I'm sorry, uncle. Run the blockade!" Commander Zhao was on one of the ships and saw the avatar and Zuko, "The avatar and the banished prince. This must be my lucky day." "Commander Zhao, what are your orders?" a soldier asked. "Shoot the bison down, captain," Commander Zhao commanded. "But there's a Fire Navy ship out there. One of our own. What if it's hit?" the captain said. "So be it. It belongs to a traitor. Ignite!" Commander Zhao said. The soldiers on his ship ignited the boulders and Zhao commanded them to launch them. Aang and the watertribe siblings were terrified of all the fireballs being launched at them. Aang tried to avoid them as best he as could. Two of the boulders collided with each other and some embers caught onto Appa's fur. Momo, Sokka, and Katara patted out the embers and extinguished them. "Appa, are you okay?" Aang asked. Aang made them go up in the clouds to avoid detection. 
The fireballs that were dodged were almost hitting Zuko's ship, however, one did it the ship. "Prince Zuko, the engines are damaged. We need to stop and make repairs!" said an engineer. "Do not stop this ship." Zhao commanded more boulders to be fired. The boulders made their way up into the clouds and Aang made a sharp turn to avoid them. In the midst of everything, Kazana and Sokka were thrown out of the saddle. Katara tried to grab them, but it was too late. Kazana and Sokka were falling to the ocean. "Sokka! Kazana!" Zuko saw that Kazana was falling and he immediately was worried. Kazana was further down than Sokka. Zuko saw Aang come down and had hope, but Kazana hit the water first. Katara grabbed Sokka and pulled him in. "Where's Kazana?" she asked. "She's in the water!" They looked back for her and she surfaced. "There she is!" Katara said. "We have to leave her. She'll be okay. Something tells me that she will be safe. We don't have time. Kazana would have told us to go." Katara hated the idea, but she trusted Sokka. Kazana knew they were leaving her behind, but she knew she would be okay. She started swimming to Zuko's ship. "Lower the ladder!" Zuko commanded. Kazana made it to the ship and climbed the ladder. Kazana laid on the ship, coughing. "Get up! Uncle, take her!" Zuko commanded. Iroh took Kazana by the arm and guided her into the ship. He took her to Zuko's quarters, "Stay here, please. Rest." She nodded and laid down on his bed. She closed her eyes and drowned out the noise of battle.
Aang had Appa stay near the surface of the water and dodge the fireballs. Zhao commanded one of the boulders to stay until he said so, "Fire!" The boulder was released and Aang jumped from Appa to stop it. He used his airbending to extinguish the fire and he used his foot to break the boulder into pieces. He flew back onto Appa and they made it through the blockade, "We made it!" "We got into the Fire Nation, great..." Sokka replied. "Where do you think the avatar is headed, sir?" the captain asked Zhao. "I'm not sure, but I bet a certain banished prince will know," he replied. Zuko continued to head forward. "We're on a collision course!" said Iroh. "We can make it!" Zuko believed. "The boarding party is ready to apprehend Prince Zuko, sir," the captain said. He had a small platoon of soldiers waiting to arrest Zuko, but Zhao put his hand up and said, "Wait. Cut the engines and let them pass." "Sir?" the captain questioned. However, they didn't argue and cut the engines. The ships stopped just in time for Zuko to pass. Zhao and Zuko glared at each other as they passed. 
"Why did you tell us to leave Kazana behind? What makes you think she is safe?" Katara questioned Sokka. "There's something about Prince Zuko. He doesn't want to hurt her. When we were on Kyoshi Island, I heard him say, ' Now, I don't want to hurt you, if I don't have to. Play along.' He said something else before, but I couldn't hear what he said." Katara and Aang looked shocked at the fact that Zuko wouldn't hurt Kazana. "Okay, but how are we going to get her back?" Aang asked. "Zuko is going to follow us. He will bring her back," Sokka answered. Somehow, they knew he was right. Back on Zuko's ship, Zuko asked where Kazana was, "Where did you put her?" "Your quarters," Iroh said with a cheeky smile. Zuko blushed slightly and went to his quarters. He walked in to see her sleeping. She looked at peace and he decided to study her features a bit more. Her skin was slightly tan and her hair was a black, but had a dark brown tint when the light hit it. She looked innocent. He was memorized, but he snapped out of it and woke her up. She awoke with a start and almost hit Zuko, but he caught her arm before she could hit him. She took her arm away, "Thank you for saving me." "Uh, no problem. I have a few questions," he said. "Let me guess. Where is the avatar headed? Can you take me to him? What else am I missing?" she answered, sarcastically. He looked at her genuinely, "Are you okay?" Kazana was taken back, "Um, yes. I'm fine." She really wasn't fine. Her ribs were bruised from the impact of hitting the water. "The answer to your other questions. Yes, I would like to know those," Zuko said. "I'm only telling you because I know you will bring me back to them. We are heading for the crescent island." Zuko was surprised she told him, "Thank you. You can stay here and rest more, if you like?" "Do you have ink and paper?" she asked. He nodded and pointed to his desk. She got up and went over to it. He left her alone and went to talk to his uncle. She started to draw Zuko and left a message. 
Aang and the gang flew for hours looking for the crescent island, when finally Aang spotted it, "There it is! The island where Roku's dragon took me." They landed a little bit away from the temple to avoid detection. "You did it buddy. Nice flying." Appa groaned and laid on his side. Katara came over and pet his stomach, "Aww, you must be tired." "No. I'm good. Refreshed and ready to fight some firebenders." Sokka replied. "I was talking to Appa," Katara informed him. Sokka didn't want to seem stupid so he said, "Well, I was talking to Momo." Momo looked at Sokka confused as he hung from a tree. Everyone walked up to the temple and Sokka commented, "I don't see any guards." "The Fire Nation must abandoned the temple when Avatar Roku died," Katara said. "It's almost sundown. We better hurry," Aang informed. They ran into the temple and then tip-toed. "Wait, I think I heard something," Sokka said. They looked behind them and saw people standing in a doorway. "We are the fire sages. Guardians of the temple of the avatar," the one in front said. "Great, I am the avatar," Aang answered. "We know," the man said and firebended at them. Aang used his airbending to block the fire from hitting them, "I'll hold them off, run!" Katara, Sokka, and Momo made a run for it. Aang dropped to the ground and used his airbending to knock them off their feet. He ran in the direction that the others went to. The leader of the fire sages said, "If the avatar contacts Roku, there's no telling how powerful the boy will become. Split up and find him." Aang made up with the guys, "Follow me!" They continued running. "Do you know where you're going?" Sokka asked. "Nope!" he replied, but he came back their way and ran past them, "Wrong way!" A fire sage was following him, "Come back!" They ran into a dead end. They looked behind them to see the sage, "I do not want to fight you. I am a friend." "Firebenders are not our friends," Sokka said. The sage walked up as they got ready to fight, but he bowed down to the avatar. "I know why you're here, avatar," the sage said. "You do?" Aang asked. "Yes. You wish to speak to Avatar Roku. I can take you to him," the sage replied as he stood up. "How?' Aang asked with a look of suspicion on his face. The sage moved the light and firebended into a hole that was behind it. The wall opened up to a secret passageway, "This way." In the distance, the leader of the sages was heard, "Find him." "Time is running out, quickly," the sage informed. The trio went into the passageway and the sage followed them. 
On Zuko's ship, Kazana had joined Zuko and Iroh. Zuko asked, "What's he up to, uncle? Why didn't Commander Zhao arrest me?" Kazana was gripping her side a bit. "Because he wants to follow you. He knows you will lead him the prize you're both after, the avatar," Iroh said. Kazana joined, "And you also said that he wanted me as a bride, so he knows you will lead him to me as well." Zuko looked at Kazana briefly, then looked back at the sea, "If Zhao wants to follow our trail of smoke, then that's exactly what I'll let him do." Kazana looked at Iroh confused. Iroh noticed her gripping her side, but said nothing. Iroh went to his quarters, leaving Kazana and Zuko alone. "Zuko-" Kazana started, but Zuko said, "Prince," She inhaled in annoyance, but corrected herself, "Prince Zuko, why do you want to capture the avatar so bad?" He was shocked at her question. He turned to her, "It's the only way I can go home." She was confused. He noticed and explained, "My father banished me for speaking out of turn and the only way I can return home with a warm welcome is if I bring the avatar to him." "Is that how you got the-" Kazana paused and gripped her side. She didn't think it was that bad. She started to fall forward but Zuko caught her, "What's wrong?" "My side. It hurts," she said how of breath. Zuko picked her up bridal style, taking her to the medic on the ship. The medic examined her and concluded a possible fracture in her ribs, along with a huge bruise on her side. The medic have gave Kazana medicine to knock her out, while he examined her. The medic took off the coat and shirt off of Kazana, which made Zuko look away quickly, but kept sneaking a peek. He could see the huge bruise on her side, which made him look completely toward her. The medic bandaged her up and said, "She does not need to be anything dangerous or active, Prince Zuko. It could cause further issue that might be fatal." Zuko nodded his head, concerned for the broken girl in front him. "Here is something for the pain. She needs rest," the medic handed Zuko a vile of liquid. Zuko took Kazana back to his quarters and laid her down. He saw something on his desk and he walked over. It was an ink drawing of him and a note next to it, "Life isn't defined by a scar, Zuko. It's defined by yourself. Remember that. -Kazana." His heart picked up its pace after reading that. No one has ever said anything like to him except his uncle, but for some reason it was more special coming from someone his age, and a girl at that. He looked at Kazana and went over to her. He was about to kiss her forehead when his uncle opened the door. Zuko jumped back with a blush, "What?" "We need to go over this plan of yours. Did I interrupt something?" Iroh asked with a smile. Zuko denied it. His uncle knew what was happening to him. Zuko followed Iroh to form a plan to get to the crescent island.
"Avatar Roku once called this temple his home. He formed these secret passageways out of the magma," the sage informed the group. "Did you know Avatar Roku?" Aang asked. "No, but my grandfather knew him. Many generations of the fire sages guarded this temple long before me. We all have a strong spiritual connection to this place," the friendly sage answered. "Is that how you knew I was coming?" Aang asked. "A few weeks ago, an amazing thing occurred. The statue of Avatar Roku, its eyes began to glow," the sage recalled. "That's when we were at the at the air temple. Avatar Roku's eyes were glowing there too," Katara recalled. "At that moment, we knew you had returned to the world," the sage said. "If this is the avatar's temple, why did the sages attack me?" Aang asked, which the sage answered, "Things have changed. In the past, the sages were only loyal to the avatar. When Roku died, the sages eagerly waited for the next avatar to return, but he never came." "They were waiting for me," Aang said sadly. Sokka came over and out his hand on Aang's shoulder, pointing out that he was only a hundred years late. The sage continued, "They lost hope that the avatar would ever return. When Firelord Sozin began the war, my grandfather and the other sages were forced to follow him. I never wanted to serve the firelord. When I learned you were coming, I knew I would have to betray the other sages." "Thank you for helping me," Aang said wholeheartedly. The sage smiled at him and the ascended some stairs that lead to the exit of the secret passageway, "We will follow these stairs to the sanctuary. Once you're inside, wait for the light to hit Avatar Roku's statue. Only then, will you be able to speak with him." The came up from under the floor. There was a door that was sealed. It looked like one that was in the air temple. "No," the sage said. "Shyu, what's wrong?" Aang asked. "The sanctuary doors, they're closed," Shyu said. Shyu had told them his name earlier. "Can't you just open them with firebending? Like you opened that other door?" Katara asked. "No, only a fully realized avatar is powerful enough to open alone. Otherwise, the sages can open the doors together with five simultaneous fire blasts," Shyu answered. Sokka looked to be thinking and, then, he thought of something, "Five fire blasts? I think I can help you out."
Zuko and Iroh had made a plan for Zuko and Kazana to go in a smaller boat to get to the crescent island. Zuko carried Kazana into the smaller boat. He came back out and said, "Uncle, keep heading north. Zhao will follow the smoke trail, while I'll use it as a cover." Iroh wasn't convinced this would work, but he supported Zuko anyway. Finally, Zuko and Kazana were on their way to the island. "Alright, here is this. It is to help with the pain. The medic said not to do anything dangerous or active, so do not fight anyone alright. I'll protect you," Zuko handed Kazana the bottle of medicine. "Why are you protecting me? You told me on Kyoshi Island that I was your enemy because I didn't go with you," she asked. "I-I didn't mean it. I don't know why, but you've become a weakness of mine. I want to help you," Zuko answered honestly. Kazana smiled. "I got your drawing and the note," he continued. "You were supposed to read it when I was gone," Kazana said with a slight chuckle. Zuko smirked a bit, "I want to thank you. No one has ever said anything like that to me besides my uncle." Kazana smiled, "I hope it helps with your pain." He looked at her. "The emotional pain, Prince Zuko." He looked sad a bit, but quickly masked it. This girl was becoming a big weakness for him.
"This is a little trick I picked up from my father. I seal the lamp oil inside an animal skinned casing. Shyu lights the oil soaked twine and, t-da, fake firebending!" Sokka explained to Katara, Aang, and Shyu. "You've really outdone yourself this time, Sokka," Katara praised her big brother. "This might actually work," Shyu commented. Sokka put the casings into the mouths of the snakes on the door. Shyu warned them that the other sages would hear the blast and that Aang should dash in to make it. Sokka ran behind a pillar that Katara was behind and plugged his ears. "It's almost sunset. Are you ready?" Katara asked Aang, who was behind another pillar, and he answered, "Definitely." Shyu lit the twines and he ran behind Aang. The animal casings exploded and Aang jumped into action, however, the trick didn't work. The door was still shut. "They're still locked," Aang called out. Shyu let out a disappointed sigh, "It didn't work." The sun setting and there looked like there was no hope for Aang to talk to Avatar Roku.
Aang was frustrated and kept airbending at the door, "Why won't it open?!" Katara grabbed Aang's arm, "Aang, stop! There's nothing else we can do." "I'm sorry I put you through all of this for nothing," Aang apologized. Sokka went over and rubbed the soot off of the door, "I don't get it. That blast looked as strong as any firebending I've seen." Katara suddenly got an idea, "Sokka, you're a genius." Aang and Shyu were confused, and Aang voiced, "Wait, how is Sokka a genius? His plan didn't even work." "Come on, Aang, let her dream," Sokka said. "You're right. Sokka's plan didn't work, but it looks like he did," Katara explained herself. "Did the definition of genius change in the last one hundred years?" Katara explained further that the plan looked like it worked and that if they hide, Shyu could go get the other sages and open the door. They put Momo though the hole into the room where Roku's statue was in order to make it believable. They liked this plan, so Shyu went to get the other sages while the other hids. Shyu came back with the sages, "Come quickly! The avatar has entered the sanctuary!" "How did he get in?" the later asked. Shyu was acting like was confused, "I don't know, but look at the scorch marks and down there." A shadow was pacing. "He's inside! Open the doors immediately before he contacts Avatar Roku," the leader said. All five sages did the five fire blasts and opened the door, only to reveal Momo. "It's the avatar's lemur. He must have crawled through the pipes. We've been tricked!" the leader said. Momo jumped onto his face while Katara, Sokka, and Shyu attacked the other sages. Shyu called out, "Now, Aang!" However, during this time Zuko and Kazana had arrived. Zuko put Kazana down up against a pillar and he captured Aang. "Aang, now's your chance!" Katara called out. "The avatar is coming with me!" Zuko answered her. The sages gained the upper hand. Aang saw Kazana, "Kazana!" "Close the doors, quickly!" Zuko commanded. Aang saw Katara and Sokka being chained up. He got out of Zuko's grip and made trip down the stairs, which oddly concerned Kazana. Aang ran toward Sokka and Katara, but Katara told him, "Go!" The leader stepped in front of the door that was closing, but Aang used airbending to hop over the leader and another sage that came to stop him. He made it into the door. "He made it!" Katara exclaimed. The inside of the room glowed blue for a couple of seconds. Aang was waiting for something to happen. In the meantime, Zuko and the other fire sages were trying to open the door again, but to no success. Zuko had ran back up the stairs, but he stopped and picked up Kazana and put her against a pillar for Sokka and Katara to see. Katara and Sokka saw how she was hurt and immediately assumed Zuko did something. "Why isn't it working? It's sealed shut." Zuko asked. "It must have been the light. Avatar Roku does not want us inside," the leader answered. Aang was still waiting, then finally after begging Avatar Roku appeared.
Outside the chamber door, Zuko questioned Shyu, "Why did you help the avatar?" "Because it was once the sages duty. It is still our duty," Shyu answered. Suddenly, there was clapping. Everyone looked to see Commander Zhao, "What a moving and heartfelt performance. I'm certain the firelord will understand when you explain why you betrayed him." The leader of the sages bowed, "Commander Zhao." A soldier came over, while Zhao continued, "And Prince Zuko, it was a noble effort, but your little smoke screen didn't work. Two traitors in one day, the firelord will be pleased." The soldier that walked over there held Zuko's arms and Kazana tried to get up, but she couldn't. "You're too late, Zhao. The avatar is inside and the doors are sealed," Zuko informed him. "No matter, sooner or later, he has to come out," Zhao said. Sokka and Katara looked at each other then Kazana, who was also worried. They chained Zuko up as well, and that's when Zhao noticed Kazana. He smirked and walked over to her, and Zuko got angry, "Don't you touch her!" Zhao smirked and ignored him, "So, you are the infamous watertribe girl with ember eyes. I've heard you can bend both elements. Let's see if it's true." Kazana spit in his face. Zhao growled in anger and wiped it off, "You certainly have a fiery spirit, but that can be tamed." Zuko gritted his teeth. Zhao was about to yank her off the floor, when Zuko called out, "Don't! She's injured." Zhao looked at Zuko, "Oh really, where?" "Her ribs are fractured," Zuko explained. Sokka and Katara got very concerned, "What did you do?" "He didn't do anything. It's when I fell from the saddle and hit the water," Kazana defended. "No matter, I will be gentle. I promise," Zhao said and right, when he was about to pick Kazana up, the chamber doors started to open ,revealing a blinding light. "Ready!" Zhao commanded. Sokka tried to get free and Katara called out no. "Fire!" Zhao and his soldiers unleashed their firebending, but their fire turned into a sphere. The sphere dispersed and revealed not Aang, but Avatar Roku. Roku firebended back and the chains melted off of Sokka, Katara, Shyu, and Zuko. Zuko ran for Kazana and blocked the fire from hitting her. "Zuko, go, before Zhao-" Zuko kissed her head, "I know. Stay safe." He ran out before anything could happen to him. No one saw what Zuko had done. Sokka came over and picked up bridal style to where Katara and Shyu were. "Avatar Roku is going to destroy the temple. We have to get out of here!" Shyu warned them. "Not without, Aang!" Katara said. Roku divided the floor and bended the magma underneath upward. Everyone ran out as fast as they could, while the watertribe siblings stayed. Roku disappeared and Aang was replaced. He fell to a knee and Katara came over. Sokka had Kazana, "We've got your back." "Thanks, where's Shyu?" Aang asked. Katara answered him, "I don't know." The temple was melting into the lava and seemed like the gang was trapped, however, Momo and Appa appeared. The all slid down the roof and into the saddle, Sokka being very cautious and gentle with Kazana. They flew off and watched the temple go down. Momo watched too, however, he still had on the sage's hat. 
It was nighttime and Aang was silent. Everyone knew something was wrong. Katara came over, then Sokka, and Momo went in front of them. Kazana wanted to go, but the pain was too great to move. Kazana had told everyone what happened on Zuko's ship and how she was injured. They all understood and they went on their way to start an even harder journey.

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