Chapter Seven

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Reader discretion is advised.



♕Kristina's POV♕


"Come on, Kris, please?" Max asked, sticking out his bottom lip. "We've been eating microwaveable macaroni and cheese for four days."

"You can, Max. I don't want to." I replied quietly, my eyes fixed on the television.

"You can't watch The Vampire Diaries all day long." He whined.

"I can and I will. You go out." I urged, wanting him to leave the house.

"No, Krissy, I'm worried about you. You're depressed. I get that. Just please... I really care about you and our baby." He told me. I could see his sincerity in his gray eyes.

"Don't worry about me, Max. I'm fine. Now go." I told him.

"But Kris-"

"Max. If you can trust me with the baby you can trust me with myself." I said, crossing my fingers behind my back.

"Promise me you won't do anything? You'll stay here on the couch and watch your vampire show?" He asked.

"I promise." I lied. However, it was convincing as he pressed a kiss to my forehead before getting his keys and leaving.

After he was gone, my numbness again washed over me and I felt like I would explode. Thoughts of self harm crossed my mind, but it wasn't enough. The past four days I had gotten away with it, wearing long sleeves, but what would Max think if he found out?

I suddenly found myself outside of the bathroom. I took my phone out and dialled a number I knew all too well.

As it rang, I walked into the bathroom, grabbing a razor. I could feel the blood below my skin, about to burst, just waiting for an opening in the skin.

"Krissy?" Adam answered.

"Adam. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry and that I love you." I said, holding the phone between my ear and shoulder. I slid the blade over my skin and it cut through. I felt a release through me, pain was mistaken for pleasure.

"What are you talking about? I mean, I love you too but-"

"I can't do it anymore. I can't do this. I have to go... but Adam... I really do love you." I whispered before hanging up. I squeezed my eyes shut and looked down. I had subconsciously made six long deep cuts across my left wrist; blood was dripping down my arm. I started filling the tub with water, allowing my pain and suffering to take over me. I didn't care about the thing growing inside of me.

Okay, I cared. But I wasn't really going to admit that to myself. I couldn't look at Max every day knowing how much he already loved this baby, and me. Because I didn't feel all if those things.

I was unhappy, and I couldn't bear it anymore. My mother detested me, my siblings looked down upon me, and I had no future. I felt like I couldn't be happy anymore, and Max didn't make me smile anymore, and his gray eyes didn't give me butterflies. I just don't want to deal with anything anymore.

I grabbed all of the pills from the medicine cabinet and undressed, sitting in the tub. The blood from my wrists stained the water light red.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I took the pills one by one. My head began pounding as I sank down into the water and lost my consciousness.



♕Max's POV♕


I heard my phone ring on my way to Nandos to bring home take out for Kristina and I.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Max! It's Adam. Get home right now I think something is wrong with Krissy!" Adam yelled into the phone. I almost crashed into another car so I pulled over.

"What are you talking about, Adam?" I asked worriedly.

"She just called me and told me goodbye, Max. Get home now! I'm on my way out with Cassidy and I called the ambulance. Go RIGHT NOW!" Adam shouted before hanging up.

I turned the car around and drove as fast as I could back to the flat. As I pulled into the driveway and I jumped out of the car and ran into the house. I didn't bother to turn off the engine or look where I was going as I entered the house. I heard sirens coming closer.

"Krissy!" I yelled, running around the house. I stopped in the bedroom when I smelled blood. My heart quickened as I pushed the bathroom door open. "Kris?"

As soon as I saw the empty bottle of pills on the counter I ran in, my blood running cold as I saw Kristina's body laying in a tub of blood. I dragged her out and felt a very slow, very weak pulse.

"Krissy! No!" I cried, carrying her downstairs. "No, no, no, no, no, Kris please..."

"Where is she?" I heard one of the medical people said.

"Please help her!" I begged as they took her limp body and strapped her to a gurney and covered her naked body with a white sheet.

"You can ride in the ambulance with her." One of them said. I nodded and jumped into the back as soon as they loaded on the gurney.

"Please, Krissy... please be okay." I prayed. I had tears running down my face, but I didn't care. I needed her to be okay, her and the baby. Because I already knew I loved them more than anything else in the entire world.


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