Chapter Nine

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♕Kristina's POV♕


"I scheduled an appointment for a checkup for the baby on Monday." Max told me as we sat together eating dinner at a small town diner.

"Okay." I murmured, eating a forkful of pasta.

"Have you spoken to Adam recently?" He asked and I shook my head.

There were a few minutes of awkward silence as we ate. I finished eating and the waiter came to take my plate while Max was just finishing his cheeseburger.

"Is everything alright over here?" The waiter asked.

"Yes, check please." Max said while the waiter took his empty plate. He then disappeared and a few minutes later brought back the check.

"How much is it?" I asked as Max snatched it up before I could see.

"It's nothing. I'm just going to pay with my debit card." He said simply.

"Max. Show me the bill." I ordered.

"Kris, the money doesn't matter. What's important is that we had a wonderful date and we had a good time and the food was good and-"

"Max, come on, I don't like you paying for me. Let me pay this time." I suggested.

"No, save up your money for stuff for the baby." He told me.

"It won't matter, I have four job interviews next week." I told him.

"Next time. Next time you can pay, alright?" He asked me.

"No. Max, let me be an adult and pay. Please? You're treating me like a little kid."

"Well I'm trying to treat you like my girlfriend." He blurted out, making me freeze. Girlfriend? "I-I mean, only if you want to be." He recovered.

"Oh, umm, okay." I said awkwardly. I had only been asked out once before, and it was a year ago over text message from some kid in my chorus.

"Okay? You'll be my girlfriend? Really?" He asked in disbelief, making me chuckle.

"Yes, Max. I'll be your girlfriend. On one condition." I quickly added.

"Alright, what is it?"

"Let me pay."


"Why are you so nervous, babe?" Max asked, resting his hand on my still-flat stomach as we sat in the waiting room to see the doctor.

"What if the baby isn't healthy?" I stressed.

"It is. Everything will be fine, my love." He soothed, kissing the side of my head.

"What if it's not? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to the baby." I said, massaging my temples.

"Krissy, stressing and worrying isn't good for the baby. Besides, it's barely developed by now. There's hardly anything for the doctor to check on." He waved off.

"There is still an organism growing inside of me!" I cried.

"Yes, yes, I know. And that little organism is our baby. And it will be healthy and happy all it's life because it will have two parents that love it very much, okay?"

"Okay." I nodded.

"Kristina Brenner and Max George?" The nurse called. Max and I stood up and went into a hallway connected to the waiting room. "Go on down to the last room on the right. The doctor is waiting for you." She told us.

Max and I walked hand-in-hand down to the room the nurse had appointed us to. As we entered, the doctor was waiting for us.

"Hello, you must be Kristina and Max. I am Dr. Wilson." He said politely, shaking our hands.

"Lovely to meet you." I replied.

"As to you. Now, how you seem much younger than I thought. How old are you, again?" He asked. I felt uncomfortable as I told him.


"And I am twenty-two." Max chimed in.

"I see. Well, miss Kristina, would you please sit up on this bed while I check your records again?" He asked. I nodded and was about to climb up on to the high bed when Max came up behind me and lifted me up, setting me down bridal style.

"You didn't have to do that." I told him.

"I know." He smiled and shrugged.

"Alright, know I am going to take an X-ray." He explained, raising my shirt. He put a bluish translucent gel on my stomach and then used some fancy device thing to take the X-rays.

"Is there anything really there yet? She's only a couple weeks along." Max asked.

"Yes, there is a small body there. Everything seems to be developing just fine, and it seems to be growing steadily and healthily. However, because of your recent umm, trip to the hospital, I would like to have your checkups every week instead of every two weeks, just to make sure the baby becomes fully developed." He told us. Max nodded while I had a mental freak out.

What if all because of me, the baby was deformed or had a disibility? Of course, I wouldn't love him or her any less, but I would never be able to live with that burden of seeing my own baby have a mental or physical disability and know it was my fault.

"Yes, sir. Thank you." Max said, helping me off the table as my legs had turned to jelly.

"No problem. See you in one week." He smiled as Max supported my weight as we walked out of the building and into the parking lot and to the car.

"What if-"

"No. Shh. No worrying or stressing. It's not good for the baby." He interrupted, holding his hand over my mouth. "Nothing but positive thoughts, alright?"

"But what if something goes wrong with the baby?" I asked, however my voice was muffled by his hand.

"Nothing will go wrong, my love. I promise you that our baby will be perfect. And you will be the perfect mother. Now, what do I have to do to get you to stop worrying?"

"I don't know." I sighed, looking down at my hands as he began driving down the road.

"Oh, I know. How about to the carnival?" He asked excitedly. "It's in town all week!"

"Okay." I laughed at his excitement.

And we went off to the carnival.


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