Chapter Three

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♕Kristina's POV♕


"Is this suitable?" I asked Kaitlyn. She was already dressed, and Jack and Max were picking us up at eight. It was seven thirty and I still wasn't ready.

"For a guy as hot as Max? Nope." SHe said, popping the 'p'. I rolled my eyes.

"How about this?" I held up a different dress.

"Is that your prom dress? No way, Kris." Kaitlyn stood up and went through my closet, pulling dresses off the racks and then putting them back.

"These won't work. I have some dresses too small for me that should fit you. I'll be right back." She said, leaving the room. I heard my phone buzz and I picked it up to see Max's name flash across the screen.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Ello, beautiful." I could hear his smirk through the phone.

"What's up, geek?" I but my lip and smiled. His accent was almost as cute over the phone as in real life.

"Jack is getting Kait at eight but I am going to be late. Is that alright?" He asked.

"Umm, yeah. I'm nowhere near ready anyways." I laughed.

"Alright. So about eight thirty then?" He asked.

"Right. That's perfect." I smiled.

"We have work to do, so goodbye, Max." Kaitlyn said as she grabbed the phone from me and then hung up. "Okay, try this on." She threw a dress at me.

I rolled my eyes and went into the bathroom to change.

As much as I hated to admit it, I actually liked it.

The top was black with a lace design over it. The lace ran from the bodice to the short sleeves. The skirt of the dress was sparkly black and hugged my hips. I paired it with black pumps.

"Are you done yet? We only have so much time." Kaitlyn called.

I opened the door and she gasped at me and squealed.

"My sister... is pretty?!"

"Kaitlyn." I rolled my eyes.

"You are wearing that tonight and Max will love you, Krissy."

"Who said I wanted Max to love me?" I asked.

"Oh please. The way you two look at each other? I bet you fifty bucks by tonight you'll be together." She smirked. "Now, on to hair and makeup!"


"Krissy! Max is here!" I heard Julia call.

"Coming!" I called back. I checked my appearance one last time before heading downstairs. I looked towards the doorway to see Max in a tight white shirt and black jeans.

"Wow... Krissy..." he gaped.

"Alright, here are the ground rules. She better be safely home after the party, and she better not be wasted. She's a light weight, though, so be careful." Julia whispered the last part and I slapped her arm. "Oh, and be careful. She's abusive."

"Will do." Max chuckled, holding out his hand to me. I took it and he led me out to his car.


I could hear the music from two blocks away. Jack was obviously a popular lad. Look at me being all proper British saying 'lad' instead of 'guy'.

"Okay, Krissy, listen to me. Some of Jack's friends are... aggressive. I'd appreciate it if we stayed to the shadows and stayed together. Is that okay?" He asked and I nodded.

"I'll be fine, Max. But whatever you want." I agreed.

"I know. I just want to make sure." He sighed, parking in the lot of the pub. He killed the engine and looked over at me.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Ready." He said.

I opened the car door and shut it, stepping on to the black top. Max came around and smiled at me as we walked up to the front door. There was a bouncer and a red rope, holding off a long line of waiting people.

"I'm Max George, Jack's brother." He said and then looked at me. "Plus one."

The bouncer looked at his VIP list and then nodded, letting us in.

"Did you guys rent out the entire bar for the night?" I asked as we entered. I was hit by the smell of alcohol and hormones. I was never in a proper bar like this, due to that you had to he twenty-one in America to enter one.

"Let me buy you a glass of wine." Max offered, taking my hand and guiding me over to the bar. I sat down on one of the stools and he sat next to me.

The bartender was a young man, probably around Max's age. He looked very busy behind the counter all by himself. I almost felt bad. After a minute he finally turned his attention to Max and I.

"What can I get you?" He asked breathlessly.

"A glass of champagne and a Guiness." Max told him. The bartender nodded and went to get our drinks.

"I've had champagne before. On New Year's." I said.

"You're eighteen, aren't you? You probably don't drink much, seeing as at eighteen it's illegal to drink in the States." Max asked me and I nodded.

"I'm probably a lightweight... so you better watch me carefully." I chuckled, half-joking. The bartender gave us our drinks and I smelled the wine before taking a sip. As I swallowed, it burned the back of my throat slightly. I knew it wasn't a very strong drink, but I still wasn't used to the alcohol.

I looke over at Max and he was already halfway finished with his beer. He didn't seem in the least bit fazed by the burning of the alcohol.

"Hey, Max, Kris." Kaitlyn came over to us, Jack attached to her. He was kissing her neck and stumbling over his own feet.

"Jack's stoned, Kait." I laughed. Kaitlyn just winked at me.

"So how has your night been so far?" Max asked.

"Fantastic. By the way, there are rooms upstairs. Me and Jack will be making our ways up there soon. Then the real part of the night begins." She smirked with a drunken giggle.

"Yep, they're perfect together." Max said, raising his eyebrows. He finished off his beer and asked the bartender for another one.

I had barely taken three sips of my champagne. I decided to go for it and take a gulp. The alcohol stung worse, but it tasted better than the first sip.

"Slow down, love. You're drinking it like it's a shot." Max told me, taking the glass from my hands and putting it on the counter.

"I like it." I smiled.

"Come on, let's go dance." He offered.

"Mm, I'm not drunk enough just yet to do that." I said and he chuckled.

"Well then, I'll just have to buy you a stronger drink."


Sorry for the late update!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed(:

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Thanks for reading xxx

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