chapter eight: wiggles and caring papabear

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I heard something.


No answer.


"Yes, princess." He answers with his eyes closed.

"I heard something." I say.

His eyes slightly open. They narrow at me.

"It's probably nothing." He moans. "Go back to sleep."

"Please. I'm super scared."

I felt the bed shift and I grabbed tightly onto Buttercup. He turns on the lamp on the bedside table.

"There's no monsters under the bed."

"Check the closet." I say.

He does. "No monsters in there."

"Are you sure Daddy?" I ask.

"Yes, I'm sure princess. Do you want me to go get your paci to calm your nerves?"

"Yes, pwease."

He brings me my pink pacifier. I put it inside my mouth and curl back into Daddy. He wraps his arm around me protectively. "Thwank'u Dwaddy." I lisp through the paci.

"Your welcome babygirl. Goodnight baby."





Daddy says all my toys and Stuffies are overflowing in the house so we're making the guest room my room/playroom.

It took awhile but we worked together. Now I had space to store all of my things. "We a good team Dada."

"Yes we are."

"Now we go celebrate with ice-cream." I give daddy a huge smile while wiggling my bum a little. Daddy always likes it when I wiggle my bum. "Pleeeeeaaase."

"You already had a whole bag of cookies after breakfast plus I can't have you awake all night."

I pout. "But I've been good today."

"No baby."

I cross my arms stomping with anger. "But Dadddddddyyyyy. I want Ice-cream."

"That's it little girl over my knee." Daddy says like a meanie before sitting down on my bed. I did what any good girl would do in this situation.

I ran.

It wasn't long before Daddy catches me. He throws me over his shoulder. He brings me back into the room. He throws me on the bed.

"I the princess. I make the rules." I stick my tongue out at him. He grabs my ankle when I try to crawl away. He pulls me into his lap and pulls down my skirt and underwear.

"Your being a very naughty girl Cara. Naughty girls get punished. Right?"




"Yes, Daddy."


"Daddy makes the rules?"





"Yes, Daddy."


"And Princess obeys Daddy's rules?"


"Yes meanie."




"...yes Daddy."


"And who does this perky red àss belong to?"


"It belongs to you Daddy."

"That's right babygirl."

I cry as he helps me turn over. He wipes my tears. He lays down next to me and I curl into him. "I'm sorry Daddy." I whimper into his chest.

"It's okay baby. Daddy forgives you."




"Where's your pajama bottoms Cara?" He ask. I bite my lip as my cheeks flush a bright red.

"I don't know." I bob back and forth on my tippy toes.

"You don't know where your pajama pants went."

"Maybe I don't want to wear them?"

"That's fine with me. You sure you don't want to sleep In your own bed tonight?"

"Well since someone took away Buttercup for punishment I don't have anyone to cuddle with." I say plopping down on Daddy's bed.

"You have tons of stuff animals baby." He responds sliding in next to me.

"I rather have you papa bear."

We both yawn and we eventually fall into sleep. Unfortunately mine wasn't very peaceful.


He's coming.


He's getting



He's coming.


He's here!

"He can't here you now. Your mine now slut."

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