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Avriel wasn't one for social situations. In fact, he limited his time outside of his dorm room, and the only person he had extended contact with was his roommate; Mitch. He was a lively boy with a passion for partying and staying out late with boys whom he didn't know.

But Avi didn't mind. No matter how different they were, the two got along and they respected each other. They even had a few long, deep conversations that brought them even closer to learning things about one another.

However, Mitch was determined to get Avi out of his comfort zone. He wanted to take his friend out and meet people, to actually find more friends and talk with them.

Mitch was determined to find Avi a boyfriend. Avi has always insisted he was bisexual. He always insisted he liked women too. But Mitch knew better than that. It was so clear and obvious that Avi was completely gay. He just wouldn't admit it.

And to be honest, Mitch understood. Because— according to Avi— when he came out to his parents as bisexual, his father lost his shit and practically kicked him out.

So when Mitch suggested the coffee shop down the road with a cute boy, Avi almost immediately declined.

"I don't even like coffee," he protested as Mitch dragged him out of the dorm room. "There's no reason for me to go."

"Coffee shops sell more than coffee. They have tea. Besides, there's a cute barista that I want you to meet," Mitch smiled and pulled out his phone to quickly text his friend that they were on their way.

Avi rolled his eyes, still reluctant to go. The idea of a cute barista seemed enticing, but not enough to make him absolutely want to go. He protested all the way to the coffee shop.

"Yoo-hoo!" Mitch sang, a bright smile on his face as he entered.

Avi caught sight of the male barista, and rolled his eyes, "Mitch, I like girls-"

"Maybe. But bisexual means you like both," Mitch interrupted.

Rather than annoyance, a look of nervousness crossed over Avi's face as he and Mitch stopped at the counter.

"Hey, Scott," Mitch greeted. "I'll have the usual. Please."

The boy smiled and gave a nod of his head, "And what can I get for the pretty boy?"

Avi blushed at the referred name and shrugged, "I don't like coffee."

Scott seemed to waver for a minute before perking back up, "I'll get you blackberry tea."

The blush remained on Avi's face as he stared at Scott. He was definitely cute and his eyes shone like crystals. In fact, Avi saw the color blue whenever he looked at Scott. Caring, loving, nurturing blue.

Mitch could practically see the admiration in their eyes. He knew it was going to happen. It had to. He had known both of them for a while now, and he had concluded that they were perfect for each other. Absolutely perfect.

"Caramel Macchiato with exactly four extra pumps of caramel," Scott sat the first drink down. "And a blackberry tea for pretty boy."

A knowing smile spread across Mitch's face, "Thanks, Scott. How much do I owe you?"

"Don't worry about," Scott waved his hand. "It's on me. I'm getting off in a few minutes, you guys will wait right there?" he pointed to a table in hopes that Mitch would stay along with the pretty boy.

Avi wanted so desperately to leave, although his heart had been tugging in his chest the entire time he had been there, silently telling him that this was it. This was the moment he'd been waiting for.

"Oh definitely," Mitch flicked his eyebrows up in a mischievous way that Avi found normal when mixed with Mitch's usual shenanigans.

The two boys sat down at a corner table, complete with four seats and enough dust to create a life size Dust-Bunny.

"Mitch, I really want to go back to the dorm," Avi attempted to plead for his freedom. It was no use, because Mitch was hard-headed and stubborn and always insisted on having his way.

"Too bad, Pretty Boy."

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