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Time seemed to slow down for Avi. To him, Scott seemed outgoing and extroverted. He never stopped talking once he sat down, and Avi's body almost rejected the personality of him. Mitch had mentioned that Scott was drawn back and reserved—nothing like Avi was seeing at the moment. 

His blackberry tea was finished long ago along with his patience for the blue boy sitting beside him. There wasn't anything wrong with him; in fact, Avi thought him to be a sweet guy, with baby blue eyes that stuck out from his rather dim features. But he had the fastest and loudest talking Avi had ever heard.

But Avriel had a soft heart and he couldn't live with himself if he made Scott feel like he was out-of-place in his own coffee shop. So he bared through it and only blocked out what he thought to be unimportant.

Mitch took careful notice to Avi's uncomfortable state and quietly cut Scott off, "Scott..slow down, it's okay," he chuckled and rested his hand on Scott's arm.

Scott blushed, adding a pink hue to his otherwise blue state. "Sorry," he mumbled to Avi sheepishly with a hint of possible sadness in his voice.

Avi almost frowned but instead he smiled and shook his head, "You're okay," he whispered with a sweetness that could only be described as peaches and honey.

The long and drawn out talking went on for 23 more minutes(Avi watched the clock) before they were finally shooed out of the coffee shop by the owner who lived just above it.

"Sorry I kept you out so late," Scott apologized for something that he truly had no control over yet again. "Can I drive you home?"

"Yes please," Mitch took up on the offer. "You know how these streets are at night."

Avi pointed toward their apartment, "We only live like—"

"You know how these streets are at night," Mitch repeated and pushed Avi's arm down. Avi had learned not to question or interrupt Mitch over the months he lived with him.

But Scott didn't seem to notice(at least he didn't make it known) and he led them to his car with a small skip in his step.

"So what do you think?" Mitch whispered and linked arms with Avi, making sure to keep his distance from his friend in case he heard them.

Avi felt his heart skip a beat and he glanced at Mitch, "He's...cute. Talks a lot."

A sigh left Mitch's lips and he stared at Avi, "Pick and choose your battles. He's a beautiful man, and a sweet one too. You can't find many of those."

Avi's lip twitched and he looked forward at Scott with a certain glint in his eyes.

"Yeah. I guess you're right."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2018 ⏰

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