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griffingluck wants to send you a message!

griffingluck: hey, um this sounds really weird & forward but like do you want to be on american vandal?

violetbwheeler: holy hannah um yes!!! wait how did you even find me

griffingluck: it's honestly a long story but we needed someone that looks relatively like you for a character also i assume you're short?

violetbwheeler: ok rude i'm 5'5 and a half also i have time why don't you tell me?

griffingluck: um well, that girl you've been texting?

violetbwheeler: which one?

griffingluck: beatrice, i think her name was

violetbwheeler: oh yeah! my good buddy in beverly hills
what about her?

griffingluck: yeah, um that was me

violetbwheeler: are u kidding me rn

griffingluck: nope that was me, you see i was trying to text my friend tyler but i ended up texting you instead, initially i was gonna leave you alone but you seemed like a genuinely nice and fun person

violetbwheeler: yeah you also scared the bees outta me

griffingluck: oh yeah, sorry about that

violetbwheeler: it's alright, but i'm gonna be on american vandal? that's wild man tell me more

griffingluck: yeah! so um we're in the process of casting a "girl squad" so if you have any friends that act/want to act hmu lmao

violetbwheeler: yeah i have a few friends but they're very different in their own respects so like what type of character will they be playing

griffingluck: you'll (i assume) be playing a girl called Ellie Weir who is in a brief synopsis just a likable, sweet, smart girl (also very stubborn) who is sarcastic, good at making friends and also is very in touch with their soft side so she gets sidetracked by nature or a cute puppy but she also has her badass moments & has her moments of weakness

violetbwheeler: lit omg sounds like fun

griffingluck: the next to last member of your girl squad (there's only 3 girls) is a girl by the name of Aria Davenport, she's the new girl in town but quickly loved by everyone. she's shy & caring but once you get to know her she'll an overall lovable goofball. she is very quick to anger or make her upset but goes away if something comes up. she has a crush on peter but is never expressed outside of the girl squad's dialogue

griffingluck: the last girl (we're looking for a red head so if you have any red head friends i'd think of them first) is Margot Evans. She's a (for lack of better words) spunky, scared-of-everything, know it all. mainly known for her work in theater tech but is branching out to work in the morning show

violetbwheeler: definitely i have a few friends um i can send you a face claim & their @ 's so you can dm them yourself

griffingluck: that'd be great thank you so much!

violetbwheeler: i think i should be the one thanking you lol

this is blaire i think she'd be a great Aria

violetbwheeler: this is blaire i think she'd be a great Aria

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her @ is blairediane

this is shea (obviously a redhead so um Margot)

this is shea (obviously a redhead so um Margot)

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her @ is sheafan

griffingluck: cool, cool they seem chill! i'll email these to the casting director

violetbwheeler: chill! this is so surreal omg thanks

griffingluck: you're welcome lol
so we're doing an audition process on saturday (don't worry there's only 15 people auditioning for these rolls & you guys are 3 of them) & the charisma test is on tuesday, think you guys can make it?

violetbwheeler: definitely!

griffingluck: yuuuhhh! i'll see you guys on tuesday!

new text to: PPG SQUAD 🌸🦋🐢

build me up buttercup
you guys won't believe what just happened omg i'm shaking

blossom bitch

build me up buttercup
so i just got us auditions to be on american vandal???

i got that bubbly
how the heck what even

build me up buttercup
so you know how i said griffin gluck dm'd me?

blossom bitch
yeah, what about it?

build me up buttercup
so he was asking me if i wanted to be on american vandal

blossom bitch
how did he even find you?????

build me up buttercup
long story, basically he was pretending to be this girl that i was texting and apparently it was him so idek at this point

i got that bubbly
this is all so weird

blossom bitch
i'm still so shook???? wait omg is ethan cutkosky gonna be there

build me up buttercup
no wrong show buddy

blossom bitch
well yeah but i just wanted to know

build me up buttercup
i mean him & griffin are friends so you never know what might happen

foreshadowing much, now are we?

xoxo, shady bitch

tired, are you? // griffin gluckWhere stories live. Discover now