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yo i'm #7 in the griffingluck tag that's wild yo, thanks!

(also we're just gonna pretend like the ST kids are 16-18 because,, i don't know just go with it ya walnuts)

violet's point of view.

the past few days have been quite weird.

not in an alarming sense, just very awkward to say the least.

filming has begun which was really fun, i've got to meet the rest of the cast and we all get along well.

in fact, i got to meet the infamous tyler that brought griffin and i together.

i was reading my lines and listening to chill tunes when i stumbled on a particular scene that caught my eye as well as my full attention;

[cut to ellie and sam at school, morning announcements room]

[sam is fiddling with the footage on the computer while ellie is sitting next to him]

sam: did you ever think you'd be doing something like this, el?
ellie: what do you mean?
sam: spending your senior year helping some AV nerds sleuth out a person who pulled a stupid prank that inherently caused thousands of dollars of property damage?
ellie: i guess not. in retrospect, does anyone really?
ellie: also you're not nerds, sam. you're a couple of sweet kids who just want justice. and, you and peter are some of the best friends i've made in my entire life. you know, besides aria and margot.
sam: you really think so?
ellie: i know so. this year has been hands down the best year of my life. now, that being said, i have had to listen to the backstreet boys a considerable amount more than i would any other year but-
sam: [between laughter] hey! the backstreet boys were the best boyband to ever grace the face of the 20th century.
ellie: sure, whatever you say bud.

[laughter dies down, sam looks away from the computer to meet ellie's gaze]

[sam starts to lean in]

[ellie brushes noses with sam and looks in his eyes as if asking permission]

[sam and ellie kiss]

[they both pull away as ellie slightly chuckles and puts her head on sam's shoulder]


fuck. i have to kiss griffin.

well, it's in the 6th episode and we've only filmed a full one and it's been a week so i guess i'm good.

pulling me out of my thoughts, Blaire walks into my trailer.

"um, knock much?" i asked

"yeah, um, fuck you? anyways, G wants to know if me & you wanna go get coffee with the ST cast."

"obviously! i'll go get my shoes."

"for the love of god please get your regular shoes and not your crocs." she pleaded

"you know what, now that you've said that i think i'm gonna get my crocs."

"oh my god, fuck you bro. i'll be in the car."

i slip on some converse and walk out to meet G and Blaire in the car.

"so, G how do you even know the ST cast anyways?" i asked buckling my seat belt (in the backseat bc apparently the hierarchy of height says that i have to)

"oh, i did a musical thing with gaten a few years ago. we've kept in touch and he wants the casts to meet. maybe for some brand deal or something but i think he just wants to hang again."

tired, are you? // griffin gluckWhere stories live. Discover now