Chapter 13

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"What do you mean their little brother?" Steve asked. We were currently sitting in the car, driving back home.

"Peter's mom said she changed her last name to Maximoff because it's Peter's last name. She also mentioned how he had a sister named Wanda so she named her daughter Wanda." I explained to everyone in the car. They listened intently as I spoke.

"Why is his name so close to Pietro's?" Steve asked, glancing at me through the rearview mirror.

"I don't know. She probably didn't know Peter's real first name I guess." I shrugged. I stared down at the picture in my hands. I looked so happy, and so did the boy. We were dressed like we were going to a dance. I wanted to find this boy. Maybe he would help me remember. He had to be much older than this by now.

Pietro reached across the seat and slowly lifted one of my hands from the picture, intertwining our fingers together. "We'll find him." It was if Pietro had read my mind.

"Sky?" I looked up at Steve.

"Yes?" I questioned.

"You do know you could have teleported here by yourself, right?" Steve asked.

I laughed. "Took you long enough. I love car rides. And I didn't want to come alone."

"You owe me now, kid." Steve shook his head.

"The answer is still no." I responded. "You wanna get home fast?"

I smiled widely at Steve. Before he could respond, I placed both of my hands onto the door of the car and closed my eyes. We popped up back home.

"Warn me next time." Steve gripped the steering wheel tightly.

"She kinda did." Wanda smiled as she stepped out of the car.

I made my way into my room, flopping down on my bed. I held the polaroid in front of my face. The more I looked at it, the more I realized how much the boy looked like Pietro and Wanda. His eyes were kind, like Wanda's. His hair, even though it was silver, was much like Pietro's. One thing didn't make sense to me though. If Peter had mutations since he was born, why didn't the twins? It didn't add up.

"Knock, knock." I looked over at the door where Pietro stood. "Can I come in?"

I sat up and placed the picture on my desk. "Yeah." Pietro sat next to me. I looked up at him, noticing how wet his hair was and that he had a new change of clothes on. "Why is your hair wet?"

"I took a shower." Pietro responded.

I looked at him confused. We had only been back for a few minutes. "How?"

"I'm fast." Pietro smiled.

"Oh yeah." I laughed. "Almost forgot."

"And I almost forgot you could teleport." I smiled at the way he spoke. His accent was adorable.

"I don't use my powers a lot." I responded. "Never really have."

"Why's that?"

I shrugged. "I can't remember. I just know that I never really did." I closed my eyes. "I wish I could remember."

I felt Pietro wrap his arms around me. I placed my head in his chest and took a deep breath.

"We're going to get your memory back." Pietro pulled away from me. He held my face in his hands. "And that picture is the key." I smiled weakly up at Pietro, the smile not reaching my eyes.

He ran his thumb just under my eye, wiping away a tear that I didn't know had escaped. I stared into his eyes and he stared back into mine. I felt a feeling of peace run through my body.

Pietro cleared his throat and dropped his hands. "Do you want food?"

"What?" I asked as he stood up.

He reached a hand out to me. "Food?"

I smiled. "Always." I took his hand and he helped me from the bed. I walked behind him as we made our way to the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen Pietro and I began to make peanut butter and jelly sandwich's. He bumped into me while moving to put the jelly away.

I dropped my knife as my vision went black.

'I looked around the room. The sun shined through the window, hitting my pale skin. I was dressed in a hospital gown. The window had bars, preventing me from leaving.

"She's awake!" My head snapped to the door. I could hear footsteps and shuffling behind the metal.

The door screeched open and a woman emerged. She smiled at me from the doorway as the door closed behind her. "Do you remember me?"

Her voice was soft and smooth. She wore jeans and a blouse along with a cardigan. A necklace that hung from her neck shined in the sunlight. "No." I spoke sharply. I had no idea who this woman was.

"That's alright." She stepped closer to me. "May I sit down?" She motioned to the bed. I nodded and the woman sat next to me. "Would you like a hug?"

"No." I responded. I felt drained.

"Skylar." She lent towards me, stroking my hair away from my eyes. I flinched back, pressing my body into the wall behind me. "You haven't grown an inch since I last saw you."

"Mom?" My voice shook.

She smiled and nodded. "Yes, Sky."

I pulled the woman into a hug and held her tight. "Where have you been?"

"That's not important, sweetheart." The woman pulled away. She looked into my eyes. "Outside is a large oak tree, I'm sure you still remember it. Can you picture that?" I nodded quickly. "Run. Find that tree and run."

I closed my eyes and imagined an old oak tree, the one I saw everyday while locked away. I felt my mothers arms leave me and I was outside. I lent against the oak tree, my legs shaking. Looking up at the large building, I saw what was my home for over 30 years.

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