The wedding is cancelled

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Hayden's PoV
I'm going to be late for my wedding! Saying that I run to my bathroom and have a quick shower when my phone lights up. It's Hayley!
*messages between HAYLEY and HAYDEN*
Hayley| 8:17am
Hayden! What the heck is wrong with you🙄

Hayden| 8:17am
Wait what?

Hayley| 8:20am
Hayden I KNOW somethings going on behind Annie's back and I will do anything to catch you out. Check your email... if you can get into it.

Hayden| 8:23am
Hayley what have you done?!
Hayden's PoV
I go onto the gmail app and realise my email is not logged in for some strange reason. I try the password multiple times and it's 'incorrect'.
Then I get a message from Annie's mom Katie
*Messages between HAYDEN and KATIE*
Katie| 8:46am
Hello dear! Just wanted to say that it's completely understandable if you don't have feelings for a girl but please next time tell us you're cancelling the wedding! Kind regards.

Hayden| 8:50am
WHAT! I didn't cancel the wedding Katie!

Katie| 8:53am
You sent an email this morning Hayden from YOUR email..

Hayden| 9am
That wasn't me I'm hacked.

Katie| 9:03am
Bye Hayden.
Hayden's PoV
I love Annie and she should know that! This would have happened if Brennan didn't come back to stalk Annie! I have protected her for so long and won't stop until I beat the crap out of him!

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