A broken heart

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Hayden's PoV
I love Annie and she should know that! This wouldn't have happened if Brennan didn't come back to stalk Annie! I have protected her for so long and won't stop until I beat the crap out of him! I need to tell Annie!
*Messages between HAYDEN and ANNIE*

Hayden | 12:05pm
Annie please can we talk?

Annie | 12:06pm
Sure I guess

Hayden | 12:09pm
It wasn't me who cancelled anything I promise. My gmail was hacked by Hayley... I know you probably won't believe me but I do and always will love you just give me a chance to sort everything out and prove it to you.

Annie | 12:11pm
Hayden I don't know what to believe you are blaming my own sister. But I know you ain't this type of person.

Hayden | 12:12pm
Annie please just trust me..

Annie | 12:15pm
Okay I will. But why would Hayley do this?

Hayden | 12:17pm
That's what you need to find out there's more going on than her just being suspicious about me.

Annie | 12:18pm
Why would she be suspicious.?!

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