Chapter 1: No Longer Mine

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Harry turned to look at the expressionless look on Ginny's face. She had gone pale, and slightly pink. She looked like she was holding her breath. Harry looked confused, but yet concerned. "Hey, Gin are you--"

"Harry. I can't do this anymore. I just can't," she blurted out. They were sitting at the end of the Quidditch field watching Ron play for the Chudley Cannons. He zigged and zagged through the nearest loophole between other's arms. It was now Harry's turn to go pale. Anger built up slightly. She was crazy. She had to be. What did he do? Why so sudden? "Two years? It took you TWO YEARS to realize this?" Harry asked, anger getting the best of him. Ginny bit her lower lip, turning away avoiding eye contact. The team had stopped playing, as it was on break. The score was 280-160. Chudley Cannons were winning. However, Harry didn't care. He just wanted out of the Quidditch stadium. And now!

"Whatever, Ginny. Have fun with whoever the jerk is," he said, pacing away. Ginny began to run after him. "No Harry it's not like th-" "You stay away from me!" he shouted, pulling out his wand and aiming it at her. "By the way, perfect time to tell me!" he added, storming off.

They had gone back to Hogwarts for their 7th year, after the war was finished, and Voldemort was long gone. It was now one year since they've left Hogwarts, and two years Harry and Ginny had been a thing. Why, she suddenly decided to leave him, he didn't know. All he knew was he was determined to get out of there. And NOW.

He didn't know where he was going. Where he was turning. Where the heck he was going to even end up. He didn't care. Harry's footsteps echoed throughout the stadium, though no one paid enough attention as the Quidditch team had started playing again. He made his way through the center of the field. "HARRY! WAIT!" he heard a familiar voice shout. "GINNY I SWEAR-" he said, turning around rather angrily and pointing a wand at somebody in front of him. However, it wasn't Ginny. It was Hermione. And she looked quite alarmed, clearly frightened by the sudden outburst.

He took a deep breath, and lowered his wand. "Oh, it's you. Sorry," he said rather quietly, and did not sound apologetic. He stormed off once more. "Harry, wait!" she repeated, taking humongous steps to catch up to her friend. He had stormed off into the sudden darkness, and she couldn't see anything but the silhouette of her runaway friend. "HARRY JAMES POTTER YOU TURN AROUND AND LISTEN TO ME RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" she shouted, demanding. He stopped, hesitated, and then turned around. "What is it, Hermione? What is it?" he said, stomping forward. "Now you explain. NOW!" she yelled. He took another deep breath, and muttered "Alright."

The two had stopped to grab a butterbeer from Adults Wizarding Treats, and both Harry and Hermione thanked the woman behind the counter, and found a table to sit at. They chose a bright red one, gleaming in the sight of the eye. It was by the window, clear as can be. Hermione sat down directly across from Harry at the booth. He gave another hesitant deep breath, and began his speech. "It's Ginny, Hermione. She broke up with me. Out of the blue. No reason, explanation. Just BAM! Gone. Just like that. Two years, flushed down the drain. And of course, at the Quidditch game. It couldn't be anywhere else, couldn't it? Nope. It HAD to be in front of all of those people," he replied, clutching his butterbeer tightly, and rather angrily. "It's like she just pulled it out of her hair!" he continued. "I wouldn't expect you to understand," he muttered.

"Actually, I do," Hermione said, catching his last few words. She placed a hand on his arm and looked deeply into his eyes. "Ginny's told me you guys have been having some..... problems.." Hermione said rather awkwardly. He thought hard. Him and Ginny? Problems? He couldn't think of such thing. "What do you mean by 'problems'?" He asked, his face mixed with confusion and fury. "She's gonna kill me...." Hermione muttered under her breath.

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