Chapter 12: The Power of Us

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      "I'll give you three some time. Five minutes, princess," Zake said, looking at Ginny. She gave him the most evil and menacing glare before looking towards the camera. Zake walked up towards the basement, and slammed the door shut behind him.

       "Don't even give us a lecture on how to untie these things Harry, they're like cement," Hermione said. But Ginny interrupted the whole conversation. "Oh my gosh, Harry you were right! Everything was all true. I should've believed you," Ginny cried. "Oh yeah," Harry said sarcastically.

       Until a convo turned to an argument, Hermione went to an explanation on to what happened to lead them in the current scene they are. Even though Harry still needed to save Ginny, all eyes were on Hermione and that was his main goal.

       "I went to talk to Ginny, you know, make up for earlier. But then I realized she wasn't at the address supposedly "she sent." The person who sent me the address was actually Zake, luring me into this stupid trap that I obviously fell for. The card said Ginny wanted to apologize to me for not believing us and offering me to come over. I cannot believe I fell for that, but the dude's got intelligence. But then, I found out Ginny told Zake EVERYTHING that you and I warned her about to stay away from him." Hermione explained.

        "But when Zake knew that we knew his little secret, it was time for his plan to be put in action," Hermione added.

       While Hermione explained in fright and Ginny whined for five minutes, they went by faster than anything. Zake soon came back downstairs.

       He walked towards the computer. "Ok that's enough," he said. "If you really want to get them so bad, you better be here as I said. Unarmed. I sent my address already. And I mean that as in if you want to see them alive," he added. Hermione and Ginny cried as Zake shut off the computer.

When the screen showed nothing but pitch black, Harry slammed his fists on the table. There was nothing to be done.

       His hopes plummeted down to his feet. He had one choice that wouldn't succeed, but it was worth a shot.

     To call Ron and Clarity.

    Harry ran to the phone plugged into the wall and picked it up, instantly dialing Ron's number. Ron was never really the best at phones, being born into a wizarding family and all.

     It rang and rang. "Come on, come on!"  Harry shouted. Until a voice echoed through the other end. "Harry? What do you want?" Ron snapped. "I know, I know, this is such a random thing in such short notice. But I need your help. Ginny and Hermione are stuck with Ginny's psychotic boyfriend, who's also a worker for Voldemort and plans to rule the world. Sounds crazy, but you'd know more about it later. Right now, I don't have much time. So if you could please gather up George, Draco, Luna, and Neville and come over I'd send you the address-" Harry explained.

     "Are you kidding me? You only call when my ex girlfriend is in need? And Draco? You friendly with him now, eh? Blimey Harry was our friendship nothing to you?" Ron asked.

     Harry felt guilty. He also felt guilty that he didn't know what to say.

     "I'm sorry Ron I know I've messed up but I really need your help-"

      "Forget it. Goodbye, Harry," Ron said sadly and hung up. Harry stared in disbelief at the muggle equipment in his hand, before he slammed it down.

      You know what?! If no one will come with me, I'll do it myself. Harry thought.

      He grabbed his wand off of the counter, and thought it'd be best to disapparate.

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