Chapter 16

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Y/n pov
I woke up to a splash of water running down my face, and all over my pillow.
What the hell?!
I abruptly sat up and scanned the room.
There stood a grinning Jin with an empty cup.
"Jin!" I scrambled out of bed and began chasing him around my room.
"Ahhh! Stohb it!" He screamed pulling ninja poses whilst jumping on my bed.
I glared at him clutching a pillow in my right hand.
"What was that for!" I lunged at him throwing him off my bed, and then whacking him with a pillow, repeatedly.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It was meant to be funny !Help. I don't wanna die!" He struggles wiggling on the floor close to tears.
I laughed.
He's such a wuss....but I love him.
"Jin I'm only joking" I put him down and couldn't help but chuckle a little.
"Jeez. I didn't know you were that strong" he stoop up slowly rotating his shoulders.
"I've taught you well" he held his head high.
"You didn't teach me anything apart from how to make fairy cakes" I smirked at my little comment.
He just shot me a glare and then adjusted himself to stand in front of me.

He looked into my eyes.
"How are you feeling?"

Oh yeah.

How am I feeling? I feeling? I don't really know how I feel. I feel. I feel.....

"I'm fine" I throw my brother a sweet from my bedside table.
"I miss him, I'm surprised you don't?" He looked at me weirdly.
"Did something happen?" He is now right in my face.
"No. I'm fine" I pushed his head out of my face and began walking into the bathroom.
I locked the door and dried off my face.
I looked in the mirror. I had messy frizzy hair and dark circles then went all the way to the floor. Best to say I looked horrendous. I continued staring at myself dryly. I licked my chapped lips. I stared into my eyes for about 5 seconds and that's when it all hit me. It hit me harder than I had thought it would. It all came crashing down at once. This feeling. This dominant strong, overwhelming feeling that..

Everything is my fault.

I didn't have time to meet the others at school in the morning, I was running late. So here I am sitting in second period doodling on my notebook. I'm lazily glancing out the window when I hear giggles. I see two guys talking to Serena and flirting with her.
Men. Always go for the richest, most stuck up girls they see.
I just turned around and carried on wishing I lived in an anime and stuff. I just really want to see my friends right now. I need people I like to talk too. I'm normally all jolly but today I just feel confused. With pangs of guilt once in a while.

"Hey y/n!"
I look over to see Lucy and Min yoongi walking towards me. I sigh in relief. Lunch the best part of the day, apart from going home of course.
"Hey guys" I smile at them.
"Min yoongi just got asked out by a cute girl!" Lucy giggled running towards me.
I squinted my eyes.
"Let me guess...." I slowly leaned back.
"I said no" he deadpanned whilst chewing his gum, his feet dragging on the floor creating an awful noise.
I straightened my self up.
"I knew it!"
"She wasn't my type" he stared plainly at his shoes.
"Nothing is your type!" Lucy exaggerated tapping the back of his head.
He glared at her and wiped the back of his head.
When all of a sudden we hear footprints behinds us.
"Heyyy" we turn around to see a grinning Jimin with Serena.
Jimin immediately looks at me with that pitiful expression.
"Y/n you okay?" Jimin pushes past the others to hug me.
"Yeah.." I slowly said.
No. In fact I've never felt worse.
"What happened?" Lucy looked at me confused.
They were all staring at me now. My head flickering left and right as I felt scared and anxious.
Oh no. There it is. That feeling again.
I can't stay here.
"I-I have to go get something I'll s-see you guys later!" I stuttered whilst jogging off into the distance.
When I was running all I could think of was,

It's all my fault.
He's gone.
Everything's not fine.
He's dead.
He's gone
And he's never coming back.

I ran into the girls toilets. In there was a girl with long silky blonde hair that sat perfectly on her shoulders, and sparky emerald eyes.
Oh my word. She was just as stunning as Serena.
I realise I've just been staring at her for about 20 seconds now and she seems to be creeped out.
"Need anything?" She rolled her eyes and brushed through her hair.
I just swallowed because of the awkwardness.
"No it's just I've never seen you before" I slowly walked to the sink to rinse my hands.
"Oh I'm new. This is my first day" she pouted in the mirror, plumping up her lips.
So that's who Jimin was talking about a while back.
"That's nice" I smiled at her whilst shaking my hands.
"Um okay?"she stared at me and then grabbed her handbag and strutted out the room.
My attention was drawn to her massive shoes.
Is she even allowed to wear those heels. They look about 100 inches?!
I don't think she likes me I thought to myself whilst staring at the now closed door.
In fact...
I think she hates me.

Why does she hate me though?
I didn't do anything to her?
I was probably rude to her though.
I shouldn't have been so forward.
It's all my fault.

Here I am again. Looking at myself in the mirror. Guilt. Pure guilt. Serena's antique is smashed because of me. Jimin's dad hates me because of me. My dad is dead because of me. My mum goes out drinking all the time because of me.
It's all because of me.

Well that's the bell. I walked out the toilets to be approached by a tall male with dark brown hair. He looked about 6ft 4.
"Are you friends with Serena?" He questions me. My wrist is in his grip.
"I don't really know..." I mutter quietly.
I don't know. I don't really know where me and her stand.
"Well that's not an answer is it!"His grip on my wrist titans. He's clearly becoming agitated.
This guy was annoying me.
"Look why do you even want to know?" I pulled my wrist out of his grasp and rubbed on it.
It was red.
"Because I want to take her on a date" he said excitedly.
Talk about mood swings.
"Well I would ask her then but there's no point" I sighed whilst beginning to walk away.
"Why?" He shouted raising an eye brow.
"Because..." I trailed off.
"She likes someone else" I smiled softly before turning around the corner to my next lesson.

She likes Jimin.

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