♚ Precious | Sora's Profile

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you so fuckin' precious, when you smile.

this is...

Moon So-ra !!

stage name; Sora

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stage name; Sora

english name; Esmée Sora Bellamy

position; vocalist, main dancer, girl maknae (but still not as golden as kookie)

d.o.b; june 27, 1998 | age; 20 korean age; 21 (if i'm correct)

birthplace; Marseille, France | raised; Busan, South Korea | resides; Seoul, South Korea

nationality; french,korean

height; 5'5"

languages; french, korean, japanese, partial english,

vocal range; D3 - B5 - E7

spotify playlist; Sora's Let's Get Lit

personality; she really has no shy side. in fact, she usually approaches people first. once you get to know her she's very rambunctious and loud. some say she's the perfect mix of all 7 boys since they are almost the ones who raised. she shows her elders a lot of respect and in return she's respected because of it. she is often known for "keeping the boys young".

hobbies; singing, acting, eating, napping, annoying her boys, keeping a journal, knitting, writing, constantly rearranging/redecorating her room, and taekwondo

hobbies; singing, acting, eating, napping, annoying her boys, keeping a journal, knitting, writing, constantly rearranging/redecorating her room, and taekwondo

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flaws/bad habits; sometimes a rough persona comes out where she won't tell the boys anything and keeps her emotions bottled up. although it's not in her control, she has an iron deficiency.

[career background]

has appreciated music from a young age, her mother and father enrolling her in piano at the age of 5.

moved to Busan when she was 3

began training at 12

trained for two years and debuted at 14

[family background]

her mother's last name is Moon, since she is full Korean

youngest of three siblings her brother and her sister

Moon Se Jun (Jonah) | age: 25 [brother] and Moon Yeeun (Elise) | age: 23 [sister]

her mother and father are a bit on the older side, as in around their early 50's

owns two dogs that live with her family

has a big family of cousins, aunts, and uncles

[other fun facts;]

was once named Korea's Ariana Grande and she fangirled so hard

honestly tries her hardest to learn English because she sees it as such a useful language


loves helping Jungkook with his G.C.F videos

if you can't find her in her room, you'll find her cuddling with Tae in his room

she has featured in a ton of other group's music videos

✕ the boys have a surprisingly long list of nicknames for her including; bean, princess, jagi, sweetie, Soso, etc

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the boys have a surprisingly long list of nicknames for her including; bean, princess, jagi, sweetie, Soso, etc.

secretly loves attention from all the boys and lives for cuddles

she loves helping Jin in the kitchen even though her barely trusts her to handle a knife

clumsy as hell

she LOVES LOVES LOVES communicating with fans

[will add more in the future as Sora develops]


A/N: AHHHH I'M SO EXCITED. I fell into this hole called BTS so hard there is literally no way out.

I hope you guys enjoyed this little profile about Sora! I made this book really to be an enjoyment to write and a little stress reliever. I'm so excited to have you along on this ride and I truly hope you guys stick with me through this. And who knows if you want, Sora might have a love interest ;) wink wonk

so much love from me to you

- lauren <3

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