♚ Shoulders

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As requested, i'm going to make a jealous BTS scenario. I want them to be jealous of a rookie/trainee group. Once I get enough, I'll turn it into a group and write the imagine!

where Sora has an obsession with Jin's shoulders

❝where Sora has an obsession with Jin's shoulders❞

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"Jin oppa?" Sora poked her head into the doorway of the kitchen, "Jin, where are you?"

Sora wiped away the tears from her face as she continued to search through the dorm. News had broken that she wouldn't have the opportunity to go home to France for her father's birthday. This took a very hard toll on Sora. She loved celebrating her father's birthday with her entire family, it had always been their tradition. Sora also loved being with her dad on his special day because it was the same day he came home with a surprise on his laptop. On his laptop, there was an audition announcement for Big Hit. Lucas Bellamy knew how much his daughter loved music and he wanted her to pursue her dreams. But it was days like this where Sora wished she was home in the arms of her family.

"Jin?" Sora whimpered as she arrived in the living room, where the other seven boys had started to watch a movie.

"Sora-yah?" Jin looked away from the tv and towards the doorway of the living room.

His face instantly fell when he took in the appearance of his dongsaeng. Her tear stained face was complimented by rosy and puffy cheeks. Her sweatpants and sweatshirt were baggy on her body and her hair was halfway in a bun whereas the other half had fallen out of the hairdo. His heart felt heavy with one look at her. Instantly, the dynamic in the room faltered. The movie played in the background as the boys sadly stared at their dongsaeng. They seemed to be frozen in their spots as if time had stopped along with them.

Jin was the first to react, standing up from his spot on the couch and opening his arms wide. Sora didn't think twice as she rushed from the doorway into Jin's arms. She didn't want to talk about, she didn't want to think about it, she just wanted to be in the arms of someone she knew could comfort her. As Sora met Jin's chest she threw her arms around his upper torso (doing so because it would've been the most comfortable) and Jin reacted by throwing his around her waist.

"Hey, hey, hey," He cooed and brought one hand out to rest on the back her head, sandwiching her head between his hand and chest, "It's alright jagi. It's alright."

Jin sat back down on the couch, taking Sora with him. He adjusted her on his lap and continued to coddle her, pushing her head into the crook of his neck, his fingers running through her hair, and whispering assurances into her ear. Sora adjusted her head so that her cheek rested against his broad shoulder, the tears straying onto a different path, landing on the fabric of Jin's hoodie. Her breath was labored as she gasped for air while simultaneously choking on her sobs.

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