Part two

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Ash's pov

Years went by so I decided to spend my lovely (y/n) a visit

*time skip*

I cornered (y/n) she was so scared to move " I did say I was gonna get you didn't I (Y/N)!?"

Then all of a sudden she started to kiss me and I kissed her back after we stopped kissing she asked me "where's pikachu ash?" " PIKA PI PIKACHU (I'M RIGHT HERE FUCKERS)
I see blood on her but not any old blood but pokemon blood so I stand on one knee and say " (y/n) your more insane than me so would you do the right thing and be my girlfriend" "yes" she replies then we walk toward the sunset

(Y/n)'s pov
me and my now boyfriend ash walk toward the sunset with ashes pikachu and my brixen and my now frogader

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