chapter 2

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Within the first year of marriage, the couple had decided on getting a cozy first home. A three bedroom house. With a beautiful modern kitchen for the couple to continue cooking together, a lovely living room, and a spacious finished basement.

They decided to get a few more rooms than needed. After all Frisk, one day would like to have a family of her own.

But, they haven't been married for very long. Frisk want's to wait a little while, and enjoy just being together.

"Hey, Frisk, I built some bookshelves down here, can you help me bring some of our books down," Sans called out from the basement.

"Yeah, I got it," She called back and picked up one of the heavy boxes. She walked down the stairs with little grace. Almost falling a few times. When she got there she saw Sans tightening the last screw on one of the bookshelves.

She placed the box next to him and gave him a kiss on the head. This caused a deep chuckle to arise in his throat. 

"Hey, where's Shiro?" Sans asked.

"Upstairs, he took over our bed," Frisk let out a small chuckle. 

Sans chuckled letting silence ring for a moment. 

"Um, Frisk?" She looked over at him, tilting her head in a manner that made Sans blush more. "I've been thinking about our future a lot lately... I really would love to expand our family. Um, What do you think?" 

Frisk's eyes enlarged, a wide grin spread across her face. "Sans I'd love to," She kissed his cheek before walking off to finish unpacking. 


After the couple had gotten settled into their home. They decided that they would start trying for a child. 

'If only life were like the Sims,' Frisk though sadly as she held up the third negative pregnancy test. With tears brimming her eyes she walked into their bedroom. Sans was equally distraught. They wanted a family but it was hurting Frisk's mind with every negative test. 

Gazing at the negative test he exhaled a shaky breath. "Frisk, lets' take a break from trying. It's putting a strain on you. I love you so much, It hurts so much to see how much this is hurting you. I'm sorry for putting pressure on you," He looked at his hands, wondering what she saw in him. A small hand wrapped around his boney ones. 

"You have never put pressure on me to do this. It's me. I want a family so bad. But life isn't turning out like puppies and rainbows. I should've known better. I actually booked an appointment for the doctor to see if I can actually produce. I guess I should've done it sooner," she said with a sad grin. 

Sans tucked a lock of hair that had fallen into her face behind her ear. "Frisk you make life worth living. No matter how dull a day is I can look into your eyes and see my best friend. My beautiful, amazing, Pun-derful, best friend. You are my world. No matter what happens I'll always love you," The tears in frisk's eyes had started falling. He was right about one thing for sure. She knew that very moment that no matter what. Everything would be just fine.  

She layed in his arms that night happy to have married her best friend. He was the one person she knew would always love her. Even if she couldn't have children he'd love her. 



I took a break for a while to get all my grades up. And today I finished all of my homework early so I decided it was time to come back after my hiatus.  

Yes, this chapter is a lot shorter than what you guys are used to from my other book. But I wanted to push this one out since it's been sitting there waiting to get undusted. 

I hope you guys enjoyed. I'll try to update as soon as possible. 

Later Lovelies


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