Chapter 4: Another Meeting

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Waking up Rin could be seen laying on an old worn out blanket on the floor of the cold stone within a abandoned shed. Sitting up, as Rin readjusted to his surroundings his memories of his arrival and the day before slowly started coming back to him. Blinking away the sleepiness ‘hmm...what am I going to do...I don’t even know what Mephisto’s friend needs my help with, I mean seriously he could have at least gave me a hint!’ Rin thought all while glaring at the wall a head. Getting off his makeshift bed he made his way outside of the shed, stretching the demon started making his way back to the town in hopes of finding his purpose of his current placement.

“Why here of all places? it because of the robot creature I saw…what did Danny call it?...oh yeah it was ghost I Danny the one I’m supposed to help, or someone else in the town?” Rin contemplated with himself before grabbing and scratching his head profusely “aaaaah I can’t take this anymore! I hate you Mephisto and your stupid games!” he yelled out into the sky with a raised fist. Sighing defendant his body suddenly slumped forward ‘might as well go back into town and try to figure things out while I’m at it’ he thought as he walked past the forest trees till he saw the house and structures of Amity Park. While aimlessly walking on the pavement past all the houses and parks Rin couldn’t help but notice the giant UFO that was resting on the structure of a house. Walking past the unusual building the front door walk pushed open and out walked a boy that the young demon recognized as his newly acquainted friend Danny

Closing the door behind himself Danny immediately noticed Rin staring at him “oh hey Rin” he offered as he made his way over to Danny at the sidewalk. Smiling back at Danny Rin said “hey Danny” taking his eyes of the other boy to look back at the unusual house. Soon placing his focus back on Danny “nice house it’s very...unique” laughing at Rin’s choice of words he replied “yeah that’s one way to put it, my parents are ghost hunters so they're a bit too eccentric for some people”. At this Rin froze for a second ‘wait...his parents are ghost hunters? that really sucks...but then again my dad was an exorcist’ he couldn’t but try to compare with Danny.

“Yeah I kinda get ya”

Looking shocked at Rin he replied “really, how can you relate to that”

“Weeeell my adoptive dad was an exorcist, which means in a way he hunted ‘demons’ and was even a priest”

‘Wait...he’s using past tense’ he thought sadly as he unintentionally said “adoptive?” thinking back on Rin’s words.

Realizing his mistake Rin’s face looked down sadly but responded with “yeah my mom died when I was born and my biological father is...a horrible man, so then Shiro who is a close friend of my mom took in me and my younger twin brother to raise us as his own”.

“Oh sorry I brought it up” he said apologetically, smiling slightly Rin replied “don’t worry about it you couldn’t have know anyways”

“...Yeah I guess you're right”  

Looking down at his watch Danny then noticed the time /8:56/, “dammit it! Sorry Rin I gotta go I’m gonna be late for school again!” he yelled quickly at the other before running in the direction Rin assumed was the way to Danny’s school.

With Danny:

Running down the hallways of Casper High, Danny with a quick dash found himself running into a classroom just after the loud bell of the school rang throughout. Looking up at the teacher of the class, Danny was graced with the sight of none other than his teacher Mr. Lancer holding a book in one hand and a stance ready to lecture. Looking down at Danny “Mr. Fenton late as usual I see” Danny soon became annoyed “um only by like one second, probably even less” with that said it was Mr. Lancer’s turn to become annoyed “but late no less. Take you seat Mr. Fenton and don’t forget detention after school” sighing tiredly Danny pulled up his backpack back on his shoulder before taking his leave to his seat in between Sam and Tucker. Sitting down Tucker turned to Danny “hey Danny why were you late, there wasn’t any ghost attacks right?” looking back at Tucker Danny sighed again “no there wasn’t, I actually ran into Rin on my out of the house, we talked a bit and I guess I got distracted”. Tucker and Sam both looked surprised “really, how come he’s not here? Cause I’m pretty sure he’s around the same age as us” said Tucker, looking Tucker Sam replied “yeah Danny, did he say he was on his way to school of something?”.

Looking at the two Danny said “no he didn’t but he did mention in our conversation that he was adopted and has a twin brother, but he also told me that the man who raised them died”

With a look of concern Sam said “he’s adopted? And their dead...oh man poor Rin...wait then who is he staying with?”

“I don’t know he never said” Danny replied recalling back to Rin’s words.

“Dude so he’s an orphan?”

“Guy’s I said I don’t kn-” Danny tried to say before he was interrupted by Mr.Lancer.

“Danny, Sam, Tucker if you have something to discuss it can wait till after class!...So as I was saying class bla bla bla bla” looking back at his two friends he whispered “we'll talk later, ok?” the other two responded with a subtle head nod.

To be continued…

Hey guys! I know another boring short chapter:( but I have reasons first being school obviously, I’m in my last year of high school and I’m preparing for diplomas. Two it’s gonna be a slow built up but hopefully this will add to the structure of the story, and three is I have a job which requires for me to work the weekends and sometimes after school. Which by the way I’m a retail sales associate so I have to deal with multiple of people all the time for hours at a time which also means my anxiety makes me extremely tired by the end of the day so I can really only write this story when I have the motivation and energy to make it a decent chapter. Thank you for listening to my whining and have an awesome day! Word count:1119

Two Princes of Two Worlds (Blue exorcist x Danny Phantom fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now