Chapter 8: A Great Scare (unedited)

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Hey guys I'm alive! Please don't hate me. I know I have been gone for a long time and have got more votes, gained a few followers, and comment which some made me die laughing Btw. But I just wanted to say sorry for just leaving like that I've been more busy and stressed than I planned for, i was on a 2 week vacation and a family thing happensl that put a lot of strain but I'm doing better and was given a lot of motivation to finish this by you guys so enjoy!

Hours past before Rin decided to leave, the four of them had been playing the video game Doom while Jazz sat back to watch how things played out. Saying there goodbyes at the door as Rin left, leaving behind the remaining people.

Danny pov:
"Bye Rin thanks for coming over I had a lot of fun, and sorry about my parents again"

"Oh yeah no problem and thanks for having me over I also had a lot of fun as well" Rin had said before he closed the door as the others said the goodbyes to their new found friend.

"Well bye guys I have some stuff I need to get done before I go to bed" Jazz said as she made her way up the stairs. Leaving the now trio sitting on the floor "so what do you guys think of Rin" Tucker asked them. "Hmm I like Rin don't get me wrong it's just that I can't help but feel like there is something off about him" Danny replied with a look of confusion making both give him questioning looks.

"Hey don't worry man I know what your talking about it's almost as if he's hiding something from us, But it's not really are place to know if he doesn't want us to know" Tucker tried to reason to ease his friends.

"I don't know Tucker with all the daily attacks from ghost I can't help but be put on edge by him, it's almost as if my ghost half is telling me he's dangerous and I should be weary of his presence" Danny said look down at his fiddling hands on his lap. A hand was placed on his shoulder making him look at the person's face, seeing Sam's face with a look that portrayed sympathy "Danny don't worry so much you got me and Tuck to have your back with the ghost, And the thing about Rin I wouldn't worry too much he seems like a decent person we just got to get to know him more". Smiling at Sam with his hand now placed over hers and gave a light squeeze giving a few slight nods in agreement.

The three had sat there for another good 14 mins continuing talking and laughing before Danny got a quick chill up his spine as a foggy breath was let out of his mouth bringing the attention to himself. Standing up Danny looked to his friends "well looks like I got to go, are you guys coming?" Now both friends quickly running around gathering the ghost hunting equipment as Danny transformed "going ghost!". He floated there now dressed in his hazmat suit, white hair, And glowing green eyes "meet you guys there as he flew out of the window" he said before he dashed out of the room phasing through the closed window. "Aaaw man!" Tucker exclaimed before running after Sam as she had already made her way out of the door "shut up Tucker let's go!".

Danny quickly flew across the sky above Amity  park before he could see a glowing figure in the streets yelling " I am the box ghost beware my boxes of dooooaaaaaah!" He heard before the now known ghost started frantically flew away from another figure Danny failed to see at first". Flying down quickly he saw the box ghost fly into a building, he was gonna go after him until he looked back and saw figure not to far from him. Deciding to leave box ghost he went to go investigate to see what could have spooked the ghost to run and hide like that 'box ghost isn't even really afraid of me and I beat him all the time!' Danny exclaimed in his head. Finally getting close enough he could now see the individual as..............Rin!

"What do you want!"

With Rin Pov:

Leaving the house Rin looked around realizing how dark it actually was outside 'well shoot were in Gehanna am I going to stay tonight I don't have any money yet' he grumbled as he made his way down the street. Getting further into town he was hoping to find at least an abandoned building he could shelter himself in. Time passed by before he could see a faint person in the distance...'wait is that person glowing and floating?' He thought as he got closer. He was not close enough to see and hear the a glowing male "fear me for I am the box ghost controller of all things box like!". Looking at the now named box ghost he could sense he wasn't any threat, so for the sake of how tired he was and the time before it got too dark he dismissed him hoping to just passed by unnoticed. Quickly looking away he knew the strange creature would annoy him easily with his quick temper, but with his luck he was quickly noticed. The ghost zoomed to Rin with floating boxes to each side of him, laughing the ghost sent two boxes flying at him. As they hit him it gave no damaged but his temper was rising, with a dark look on his face as he down casted it leaving a shadow to fall upon his face. The ghost didn't take notice and he continued to laugh "I am the box ghost beware my boxes of" he had a enough he looked up at the ghost making his eyes become slits and red invade his iris, canines and ears  becoming longer and sharper. He growled only then the other seemed to take notice "dooooaaaaaah!" leaving the ghost to quickly scurry off, Rin gave a few hurts trying to calm down not paying attention as another figure came close. It wasn't until he was able to revert back did he sense another presence looking at a another glowing figure he soon grew annoyed again, glaring at the person "what do you want!"

The end of chapter 8 thanks guys so much for reading and maybe next chapter won't take a few months up publish

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