i missed you nightfalls pov:

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A/N night is 8
Steph is 4
Crystal is 8 enjoy😁😁😁)
I ran out of petes (new father that adopted me) house because he made me mad. He said i was a dumbass because i got bad grades in school. I was crying and yelling. i brought my blanket because it was cold. I ran and ran even though i had no idea where i was going. It was pitch black good thing i have night vision as a power or i would be screwed. I ran until i saw someone i never thought id see again.

The cotton candy man at the park.              

  I have no money and im hungry so i use my wolf speed to take it. Ha! Suck my tiny girl dic- hey? Whos that under the brige? I walk closer and see two people i never thought id see again.

Beyoncé and jay-z.

Hey theres two more people. I walk closer to see two people Id never thought i would see again.

Crystal and her little sister Stephanie. They look cold AND tired. I put my blanket over them and wait for them to wake up. Crystal woke up first. I missed her so much.  She had a french braid. Hey, her hair went from blonde the a reddish brown color. Stephanie got taller. And pailer.
Crystal: nightfall
Me: hey crystal miss me
Stephanie: huh
me:*crying still😒 jebus rice* i missed u to.
Crystal: where have u been
Me: an orphanage and got adopted by some scrub named pete. I wanna go back he drinks and hits me to. I-i-i g-go back * crys harder and louder* t-t-to the o-o-orphanage. *punches wall*
Crystal:*crying to* me and steph ran away our dad tried killing us again.
Me: *stops crying* we can go to the one i went to.
Crystal:ok lets go.
She picks up Stephanie and we walk to ( this is a made up name) ms. E'bola's orphanage for young children. Also the "E" is silent. In her name not orphanage utherwise it'd be orphanag.
On our way there it rained by the time we got there, the rain stopped and the sun was comeing up. It looks scary to crystal and Stephanie but to me it looks like home.

 It looks scary to crystal and Stephanie but to me it looks like home

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We go up to the door and i knock. It opened But no one opened it. We walk in and go to the front desk where we find (this is a name from girl meets world. I give full credit to girl meets world writers)ms.pig sniffle. Me,crystal, and Stephanie giggled before we went up there.
A/N( m.p.s means ms.pig sniffle)
M.p.s:  hello night. U need a place to stay?
Me: yes me and my friends plz
M.p.s : sure. Come, ill show u ur room.
We followed m.p.s and get to our room and find two bunk beds. Two? Why not three beds? When m.p.s leaves we stand there arguing over who gets top bunk. Well Stephanie and crystal. I get the solo. Or so i thought.some kid came in.
Me: who are u
Y/n: y/n
Me:ok then. Im gonna walk away no- hey put that down!
Y/n: and why would i do that?
Me:  im just asking if u can put down my blanket.
Y/n: ha! U think im gonna take orders from a worthless slave? U thought.
Me: *eyes turn yellow and i now have a demonic voice* PUT....IT.........DOOOOOWWWWNNNNNNNN * attacks y/n*
Me: I SAID PUT IT DOWN* i kick y/n in the ribs and scratch the eyes causing y/n to cry in pain. Music to my ears.
Crystal: NIGHT STOP!!
3 hours later of crystal trying to get me off of u.
Crystal:night u gotta stop attacking people.
Me: fine.
Crystal: go get the blood off of you and head to bed.
I hop in the shower and get the blood off of me. Then some anger filled my body.
Then it happend.

I turned

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I turned. Into a wolf.
Irma gerd. I transformed into a wolf. What will crystal think. She already thinks im to violent.i need to leave. i jump out the window and run. I dnt no where im am.all i see are trees the moon light and other shit. *stomach rumbles* FUCK!!!! Im so hungry. Hmmmm. Whats around that i can eat. *kid laughing*
Mom: ok little tim. Lets go home so we can tuck u in bed.
Little Tim: ok mommy
A chubby kid and a mom. I guess ill be eating good tonight. I slowly creep up on them until im right behind them. The mom is my first target. I creep up behind the mom and tackle her to the ground. The kid screamed and the mom. Ahhhh. I love this sound. I turn the mom over by biting her in the ribs and breaking five of  them. *crack crack crack crack crack* then i use my razor sharp claws to slash her chest and rip off the flesh. I look at all the blood shes losing.
Little Tim: MOMMY
UGGGGGHHHH! HOW DO U GET THEM TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!!? Oh right. Ima werewolf. I eat the mom's heart and scratch her face. I then eat her leaving nothing but bones and messed up weave. I see the kid running and screaming help. I love this so much. I do the same shit to the kid but i let him suffer. I let some of my victims suffer before they die. Some. I look at him and and see he stopped breathing and moving. Good. I eat him leaving nothing but bones and a hat. I go back to the orphanage and pass out on the bed while in wolf form. When wake up, im naked,bloody,have scratches on me. I get in the shower and try not to wolf out again. I dont. Thank god. I get out and put on my clothes. I look in the mirror to make sure my eyes weren't yellow my claws and fangs weren't showing and fur. Im good. Brush my teeth and sleep. I wake 5 minutes later to see crystal and Stephanie sleeping. They snore loud as hell. Jeez. I then sleep. I wake up to see y/n in bandages. Damn, i messed y/g/ pretty bad. I sleep peacefully. For the first time in forever.
A/n hey guys and gals. Sorry for not up dating. Ive been busy with school. Also new character to the story named starfang another friend from school her name is yakko 18
I think. I forgot. But check out her side of the story.
Goodbye my children. 

y/n= your name

y/g= your gender

y/h/c= your hair color

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