Imagine #9:Princeton Imagine

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okay here a update. im doing this off the top of my head . bare with me people if this sucks im sorry lol -Mona


pastor: do you Jacob Emmauel perez take (your first & last name) as your lawful faithful wife ?. (looks back and forth between you and princeton)

Prince: I do (smiles)

You: (blushes & smile)

pastor:Do you (your first and last name ) take Jacab Emmanuel Perez to be your lawful faithful husband? (looks back and forth between you and prince)

you : yes yes . (everyone laughs) i meant I do . (you look into princetons eyes )

pastor :(chuckles) alrighty then does anyone have an objection to this marriage speak now or forever hold your peace. (looks around the church for anybody to object)

you : (looks around too )

prince: (Looks around also)

pastor: I guess not. i now pronounce you husband and wife ☺. you may now kiss the bride.

prince: do mind if i do lol (grabss your face and kiss you softly )

you: (Chuckles and kisses him back)

(everyone cheer and clap . some were even crying for yall)

you & prince: (pulls away and looks each other in the eyes) i love you . ( yall both laugh)

you: lets walk down this alse like a G lol.

prince: Okay Wifey (kisses you on the cheek and grabs your hand)

you: (giggles)

(After party)

(everyone one is etheir dancing or mingling )

Announcer: Ladies and gems its time for the Happily married couple to have their speacil dance married. Can yall please clear the ballroom floor ☺. thank you .

prince: I think thats our cue (gives you his hand) may i have this dance Mrs . Perez .

You : (Smiles) Yes you May Mr.Perez (grabs your hand and gets up)

(You and prince both walk over to the floor)

*cue the slow song*

prince: (puts his hands on your waist)

you: (put your hands around his neck)

prince: How does it feel to be A Perez ? (Smirks)

You: It wonderful , Im glad to be your wife . (lays your head on his chest)

prince:Yeah , and im greatful to be your husband (kisses your forehead)

(yall dance untill the song is over)

you: I love you Jacob

Prince: whos jacob?

You: -_-

prince: Im messing with you , i love you too (kisses you on your lips)

you : (smiles)

Annoucer : Hey at this time Mrs.perez has Something to say .

prince: Huh?

you: Just Listen Daddy ☺ (kisses him on the lips and walks to the annocer)

prince: Daddy? Oh My Gosh . She Cant Be ..

You: ( chuckles and grabs the mic) Thanks everyone for coming , i really no im sorry we really apprecatie it . i just have to give a speical thanks to Mama teresa if she hadnt of brought this fine young Man into the world he wouldnt be my husband

(Everyone laughed)

okay so i have a special speech for my husband . (looks at Prince)

prince: (looks really happy )

You: Babe can you sit right in front please.

prince: ( nods his head and walks to the front seat)

You: Okay ( exhale) I never knew that i would be able to see the world with this one person thats close to my heart . i thought this was a childish crush. i knew it never would happen but somewhere deep inside i never gave up. And look im married and have 1 kid on the way . i (your first name )(your last name) is in love with Jacob Emmanuel Perez known as Princeton from a boy band Named Mindlessbehavior. Greatful to be married to him at 21 to him and to bare his first child . i so greatful for not giving up on my hopes and love for him . Because if i did i wouldnt be standing here in this wedding dress and pregnant with his baby. what im trying to say is thank you Princeton. i will always love you i never gave up before amd i never will now . ☺(you have tears rolling down your face)

prince: (tears are rolling down his face) i love you so much baby (he stands up and walks over to you and pulls you into a hug)

Everyone: Awwwww

*people are crying and clapping)

prince: (pulls back from yall hug but doesnt let go) Why didnt you tell me this ?

you:(shrug) this was my surprise to you .

prince: and i love this surprise very much. i just got married to the love of my life and im a soon to be dad . Thank you so much ! (picks you up and spin you around)

you: (laughs) your welcome.

prince: (puts you down and kiss you full on)

you: (kisses back )


and there you have it folks . i hope tall enjoyed. i think i did that marry part wrong but oh well lol . anyways yall know what to do




and tell your friends

peace in the middle east ✌ (curse you prince )

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