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A/N: Sorry for such a late update. I got so sidetracked with reading other fanfictions and catching up on TV shows that I lost the direction of where the story was headed. I rewrote this chapter like 3 times, so hopefully it will be as good as the other ones. Shout out to all of y'all who are following the story, commenting, and adding to their reading lists! I appreciate it and y'all are keeping me going! On with the story! ~LPS~


The sound of the headboard echoed around her room as continued to pound into her mercilessly. 'Do you forgive me now? Huh?' he whispered in her ear. 'Y-y-y-YES! YES!' she sighed. 'Yes what? Yes what?!' he demanded.
'Yes I forgive you sir! I fo-'

She awoke in a cold sweat. She looked at the clock. It was 5am.

'Shit, I may as well get on up. Of all the things I could dream about....'

She woke up before he did, so she went ahead and got a quick shower and brushed her teeth. He entered right as she left.

"Good morning," they said to each other in passing.

'Damn, she smells good. I wonder what she uses?'

He couldn't get over the dream he had about her. He wanted this cloud to blow over so that she could finally be his and he could make that dream of his come true. He got ready for his day. When he had his clothes on, he went to knock on her door. He could faintly hear Early in the Morning by the GAP Band playing.

"Come in," she stated blandly as she finished up her hair. "Hey," he said trying to break the ice, "You look beautiful today." She gave him a half smile, "Thank you sir. You look nice too."

She didn't know how to go about bringing up last night's events again.

"Mr. Boseman?" she began. He liked how that sounded coming from her lips. "I thought about what you said. Although I still stand by what I said, I would like to apologise for calling you out of your name the way I did. I was still out of place, all things considered. I would like to stay on your team if you'll have me. Just make sure we don't share a bathroom this time," she ended with a laugh. He thought about that for a moment. "Thank you for staying and I accept your apology. Hopefully we can move forward from here and start over. Now if you're ready, we have some time to kill before the next flight and I really need to eat."

They went to breakfast and headed to their destination: The site of the Rolling Stone shoot. She styled his hair per his request and he went to get changed after. He came back, winked at her and began posing.

If she could have hopped on him right then, she would have

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If she could have hopped on him right then, she would have.

'Lord have mercy. The things I could do to him...' she thought to her lil nasty self. He did a couple more poses and the interview and they went on to the Breakfast Club interview and a couple YouTube interviews. After that, they headed to the airport and got situated for their flight. They were heading to London.

"Awww man!" she exclaimed when they got in their cab, "I've always wanted to come to the UK! Do we have enough time to eat?" "You're always thinking about food, but it's like 12 am here." "Yeah, and? I'm hungry and we can find a pub or something. Don't worry, no one wants to see you," she joked.

'No one wants to see me? I'm literally a king! A movie star! Jackie Robinson, James Brown, and Thurgood Marshall!' he thought.

"Ha. Haha, you're hilarious. C'mon," they passed a pub or 6, "We can get room service. I'll pay for it and we can watch a movie or something." She groaned and followed him. "I could have eaten 6 times by now," she said and stopped short. "Did you hear that?" He looked around, ready to bolt, "Hear what?" "That was the sound of my stomach landing in my ankles. If I keep waiting on you, I'll wither away," she said as his phone rang. He answered,"Excuse me," he told her."Hello? Yooo, Letitia! Yeah, we just landed. Headed for the hotel. A party? Nahh, maybe next time. We are heading to the hotel as we speak. Yeah, it's girl. Why? I'll tell you about it later, it's a long story. Yeah. You too, bye."

He hung up as they pulled into the parking lot. This go around, the rooms were connected by a simple door. She got a shower while he ordered the food, and she picked a few movies while he showered. 'This ain't a date, this ain't a date,' she had to tell herself. He came out in his pajama pants and t shirt. She had on an oversized shirt and shorts with her hair in a messy puff. 'Even like this, she's beautiful,' he thought to himself. He turned on The Expendables and passed her her plate. They were on the bed and not long after eating, she was asleep with her arms lightly draped around his waist. Her put her glasses on the table and cleaned up, tucked her in, and went to his own room. He wanted to use this time to woo her and win her over. He wouldn't rush anything though, just plant the seeds and bide his time. Little did he know, she had the exact same plan in mind.

Kind of a short chapter, but oh well. I am getting there. I'm also trying not to keep it so repetitive so the next chapter will be a slight detour. Let me know what you think! ~LPS~

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