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Ran-away-and-joined-the-circus AU

Merlin was the man on the tight rope. He'd always been the most clumsy person on two feet until he was walking the thin line between perfect balance and plummeting to his death.

Practice. That's all he had to do until he reached the highest his poles would go and then move to the trees surrounding his childhood home. Will called him crazy for even trying tightropes at first but soon saw how much it mad Merlin happy to finally do somthing other than work around the house and read. His mother, Hunith, was proud. Merlin had gotten to a dangerous night where the wind was rough and the air was cold causing numbness. He still never fell. 

"It was almost like magic, Mum. I felt the wind push against it and I managed to get across anyway."

"You're one of kind, my boy." Hunith hugged her son after he stumbled from the tree trunk.

Will joined the hug. "Just don't go splat against the dirt, eh Merlin?"

"Yeah, I'll try not to."

Summer of 1919, The Ringling Bros were a rave but Arthur Pendragon's 'Circus of Albion' was catching the eye of young and old all over the world. Oh how much Merlin wanted to join them. But he couldn't. His mother need him and if he left, Will wouldn't have anyone either. But soon word had spread that the ringleader was looking for knew gigs including tight rope and people to care for the animals. Will and Merlin both were good with animals and of course Merlin was perfect at his tightrope. 

"Bit what about you're mother? What will she do-"

"I left a note and all my saved cash with it. She'll find it when she goes to wake me. I know it's a terrible idea but I've got to get a real life other than the farm, Will. The circus can get me recognized and then we'll both get good jobs in a big city. Like London!"

"I still think we should stay." Will slowed his pace as they walked the train tracks.

"We'll be fine. We just have to wait for it." 

Will stopped completely. "I can't leave either you're nor my parents alone. I'm sorry Merlin, but this is your dream, not mine. I wish you,all the luck I can give."


"Give me knock some time when you're famous, beakbreath."

"Anytime seaweed brain." Merlin watched his best friend walk the other direction of the tracks back to their small hometown. 

After hours of walking and pained feet the sound of the planned circus train was heard not too far behind. Merlin hopped away from the tracks so he could run to it when the time came. Minutes. Seconds. Time was agonizing. Soon the train was upon him, Merlin sprinted after it reaching out and grabbing onto a rail hoisting himself into the box car. 

"Don't. Move. A muscle." The voice came from the dark, but the gun was aimed directly at his face. "I oughta give you a death sentence right here for jumpin' our train." The longer haired man stepped forward with a grin taking the gun from Merlin's face and letting out a laugh. "You should've seen you're face! I'm surprised you didn't piss your pants!" He paused and held out his hand, a lantern being lit by a larger man in the corner. "The names Gwaine, the second strong man. That's my partner Percy. Don't mind how big he is, he's a teddy bear. And that's Elyan and Gwen, the gypsy girl and sword swallower, and her crazy knife throwing brother. None of them talk much."

"You talk too much for all of us combined." Gwen stood and let out a hand for Merlin. "Sorry about his crudeness, he is quite the handful."

"Seems like it."

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