Young Avengers AU

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~√Lancelot/Lance √~

Oh, how Merlin hated being bothered by the overhead speaker.

-Merlin, will you please get your brother. He's had far too many beers.-

Gwen always called him when Lance went out with Gwaine and Percy. Even Mordred and Morgan avoided him while he was drunk. No one wants a blurry man knocking things over in a drunk run. 

Arthur, Merlin's fiancé and half Skrull half Kree, groaned as Merlin went to get his twin from downstairs. Arthur, not wanting to be in a cold bed, followed Merlin to the kitchen where Lance stood with his head of white silver hair in the trash bin. "Ugh, I hate him... Remind me to never drink with Gwaine, EVER, again."

"I have. Do you listen? No." Merlin hoisted his twin to bed. When the two met all those years ago they never suspected they were related let alone brothers. Their mother was Scarlet Witch. Freya was her name they soon learned. She was powerful beyond imagine but Merlin had gotten more power than she had since he was born. Lance took after her own twin, Gwaine, aka, Quicksilver. Percy was his trusty blue beast of a friend. A scientist and teacher at the Xavier school for gifted youngsters. Also part of the X-men. The three got drunk many times together, though Lance was underage. 

Merlin left Lance to his snoring and drunk muttering on his bedroom floor. Arthur led the way back to their own room passing Elyan and Gwen chatting on the balcony. Gwen spotted the two and immediately stopped them.

"Hey! Is Lance okay? Mordred was getting very annoyed and started chucking sofa pillows at him."

"He's fine. Merlin got him in bed, well, in his room." Arthur yawned. "I better get him to bed himself. Look at him, he's falling asleep levitating." Merlin was hunched over floating above the carpet, his chin on Arthur's shoulder. 

"Alrighty." Arthur went to turn again Gwen stopping him a second time. "Elyan said he spotted Morgause and Agravaine in Boston. The people have also been demanding for 'The King and his Emrys to show up with the rest of their little friends!' So the papers say. Kilgharrah's been thinking of assigning us to search Boston for the two and I hope he does so we can get out and do something rather than watch my boyfriend get shitfaced with his uncle."

Arthur chuckled. "I'll have merlin speak to Kilgharrah and well get this figured out. You two should get some sleep." He directed most of his comment to Elyan still on the balcony. Elyan smiled but didn't leave his position. "Goodnight, Gwen."


The next day for everyone was frustrating. Lead agent Kilgharrah Dragul had decided to send them to scout and if possible, kill Morgause and Agravaine. Merlin was very persuasive. Of course, only the team knew how he got Kilgharrah to accept the mission to the teens. 

"Mordred, if you just magic it on to your head maybe it'll stay on."

"But that's a waste of good power Morgan, I won't use it on a gold band." 

"Suit yourself. You look like a goat with it on anyway." 

Mordred huffed at her and turned away to fix his band. On the other side of the house, different clothing issues were a problem. "Arthur, suck in your gut."

"Are you saying I'm fat?"

"No, I'm saying when you get all big and green before you dress it makes this ten times more difficult for me to put it on you. Look at me, I'm already in my suit." Merlin fussed and smacked Arthur's shoulder at his inability to pull the sleeve onto his fiancé. Arthur glanced at Merlin in his tight black suit and red tattered cape. They were matching in all but the cape. Arthur couldn't have one due to his wings that only grow when needed. He shifted back to his normal human look, his skin no longer scaley and green. His own suit loosely fit almost falling off his shoulders. Arthur hugged Merlin. 

"You think too much. If you needed me human I'll be human." Merlin turned to Arthur with an angry face. 

"You're not human, stop trying to be. I could just make you an entire knew outfit if I have t, but don't change because I'm in a mood." Arthur smiled at his lovers words shifting back into his natural from, filling out the suit. Merlin smiled. "Much better. Let's go."

Elyan stayed behind to voice in through ear pieces directing the others in the group. Mordred was envious that he got to stay how and chill in pajamas but Merlin stifled his jabbering with a bubble around his head. They split in their usual teams. Emrys and The King, Druid and Morgana, Guinevere and Lancelot. They hadn't found fitting names but these worked. Gwen at the time was fascinated with Arthurian Legends and was announced leader by Kilgharrah. The people thought Arthur was leader not because of the way he acts, but how close their names were to the people on her storybooks, in which, Arthur was King.

∆ Emrys, King. Morgause is in your area. Lance, go ahead and trap Agravaine at the Peppercorn pub. Morgause is meeting him there.∆

~√On it.√~

°We're headed her direction now.°

Mordred and Morgan went their own way, hiding in shadows and stalking Morgause's whereabouts. She was walking through ally's towards a busy street with many yellow cabs and black cars. Gwen was in her own cab, trying to get closer to the curb near Morgause. Mordred spotted Merlin flying above Morgan, Arthur not too far behind in a dead sprint.

°Don't let her get into any other cab. Lure her towards you Gwen.°

?¿What does it look like I'm doing.¿?

Gwen honked at the evil blonde and Morgause followed suit into the car. As soon as the door closed everything locked. Morgause made a face but buckled her seatbelt anyway. "Where to miss?" Gwen asked.

"Peppercorn Pub." She said in a flat tone. Gwen swerved onto the sidewalk and into the ally where the others hid, Morgause falling to her side.

"What is wrong with you?!"

"Get out! Out!" Morgan pulled her out of the car ripping the seatbelt in the process. "Lance, take Agravaine to HQ, we'll meet you there." Morgan gripped her half sisters hair waiting for Lance's response. None came. "Lancelot!"

~√Sorry, dear. Looks like your little speedy boy has fallen asleep.√~ Agravaine spoke through Lance's mic, his chuckles echoeing through everyone's ears. Morgause laughed at the group.

"You're too late. This was merely a diversion. And guess what?"

"What?!" Arthur yelled.

"You, know exactly who has the syrum..." She laughed loader only to be silenced my Merlin with a deck to her face knocking her out cold. Merlin shook his hand wincing in pain.

"Bitch." Merlin looked to Arthur. His face was still in shock. "Arthur? What's bothering you?"

"It's my father... Of course he has the syrum! He doesn't want me to be human so he took the damned syrum!" Arthur punched the brick breaking chunks off and cracking it.

"Arthur. Calm down." He attempted pulling his fiancé back but his fist kept busting the hole in the wall. "Arthur, stop!" The Skrull/Kree prince froze. Merlin's power held him still in a barely visible bubble. "Please don't be irrational. I know what's between you and your father, but you need to keep yourself under control. And what did we talk about last night?! I don't care that you're Kree and Skrull so why should you! Others don't seem to see it anyway. The people think you're wonderful! And me? I think you're perfect..."

Arthur watched the blue orbs that were Merlin's eyes. "I... I love you." Merlin hugged his fiancé.

"I know, Arthur. I know."

"Thank you, Merlin."

I understand most people don't know who these Young Avengers are so I would suggest Googleing them. They're awesome.

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