forever temporary

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I've never been attached to places. Places are too

Temporary, in my opinion. Yeah, the land stays the same but whatever has

Been planted or built there will change. Plants will die, and buildings will fall.

They're a temporary place. What keeps them alive are

Memories. A memory of laying in bed,

Crying your blue eyes out, leaving them red, puffy, and in pain.

A memory of building a temporary mattress out of couch cushions so

Your blonde-haired new friend doesn't have to sleep on the shaggy carpet.

A memory of you and your blonde-haired best friend, squeezing

Together on your twin bed, she using your calf as a pillow, and you

Trying not to smell her feet. A memory of

Sneaking your boyfriend over when your parents were out of town and

Just sleeping together, nothing sexual but comfortable.

A multitude of memories of curling into yourself in your hammock chair, with your

Favorite red and flowered blanket and a multitude of books piled next to you, not

Needing to pick up a bookmark. A memory of your Dad,

Hanging up extra bookshelves, he thinks unnecessary but knows necessary

Just for you, so that every book has a home, every book has its

Place. A multitude of memories of staying up until 4 in the morning,

Replaying your favorite songs over and over,

Replaying your favorite memories over and over,

Staring at a blank screen, a blank piece of paper, trying to

Force something out that can never be forced out.

A memory of hanging up poster after poster, picture after picture,

Memento after memento, on your wall, staying up until 2 in the morning

Just to finish it. A memory of feeling so proud that you had all of these

Mementos to prove that your happy memories were real, that those

Mementos could pretend to drive away the sad memories.

A memory of taking down pictures of your ex-boyfriend, so that

Looking at them wouldn't cause another crack to form.

A memory of adding new pictures of a new boy.

A memory of only taking down some pictures of the new boy, because you're

Okay with your heart cracking with this one.

A memory of standing in the doorway, taking one last

Look, making sure you don't forget anything before you


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