let this be the last time.

5 0 0

For the first time I am scared of loving. Scared of

Breaking down walls and letting someone in. Of allowing

Someone to know me, truly know me – to know about my

Quirks and my eccentrics and the things that I do not have the

Courage to speak aloud. Of allowing someone to

Love me, to understand me, to support me, to

Hand me the bricks as I create a new path for myself, to

Hold me at night when the things that I don't have the

Courage to face come back to hunt me. of allowing

Myself to love someone else again, to give someone

New the chance and opportunity to make another

Crack in my already broken heart, to say

"Here is the most fragile piece of me," to trust myself

Enough that I won't mess this one up, because who

Knows when another might come around, because who

Knows when this one might leave and make

Another crack, make another ache, make

Another hundred poems.

For the first time in my life, I am scared of being

In love. Not because I don't want to but because

Enough boys have made a crack in my heart,

Enough boys have told me, "I don't want you" or "you are not

Enough for me" and they didn't say that with their words but

With their actions, and with their actions they told me that they

Didn't love me but they told me with their words and

I believed them. I believed their words instead of their

Actions. And this time, I am afraid that this one's actions will be the

Same as those before, that he will say with his

Actions, "I do not want you" or "you are not

Enough" or "I can't love you" or anything else that plagues me at night. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2018 ⏰

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